B Appendix- II

Public APIs for Scheduler Operations

The following APIs are exposed for the Scheduler Operations.


  1. All the below APIs are POST requests.
  2. All the APIs accept below values in request header:
    • ofs_tenant_id - Optional
    • ofs_service_id - Optional
    • ofs_workspace_id - Respective workspace id where the batch needs to be created
    • ofs_remote_user – MMG login user The ofs_workspace_id and ofs_remote_user are mandatory fields.

Base URL: http(s)://<MMG_Service_HostName>:<MMG-Service_Port>/<CONETXTNAME>/

Table B-1 APIs for Scheduler Operations

Functionality API Sample Request JSON Sample Response JSON Comments
Execute Immediate rest-api/v1/external/trigger


"batchName": "batch1",

"batchType": "rest",






"severity": "info",

"summary": "Object triggered successfully with Run Id:


"batchRunId": "batch1_2022-08-17_1660721567845_1",

"details": "Object triggered successfully.",

"status": "success",

"statusCode": "0"


  • The includedTasks/ excludedTasks/ heldTasks are options keys.
  • The batchType will be “group” for batch group execution.
Execution Status rest-api/v1/external/status


"batchRunId": "batch1_2022-08-17_1660721567845_1",




"severity": "info",

"batchRunId": "batch1_2022-08-17_1660721567845_1",

"taskStatusList": [


"taskCode": "task1",

"taskStatus": "SUCCESSFUL",

"statusCode": "0"



"taskCode": "task2",

"taskStatus": "EXCLUDED",

"statusCode": "4"



"batchStatusCode": "0",

"batchList": [],

"batchStatus": "SUCCESSFUL",

"status": "success",

"statusCode": "0"


  • “tasks” is options key.

If not passed, then response will contain status all the tasks inside a batch.

Rerun rest-api/v1/external/rerun


"batchName": "batchgroup1",

"batchRunId": "batchgroup1_2022-08-17_1660720814942_1"



"severity": "info",

"summary": "Object triggered successfully for rerun with Run Id:


"batchRunId": "batchgroup1_2022-08-17_1660730049819_1",

"details": "Object triggered successfully.",

"status": "success",

"statusCode": "0"


Restart rest-api/v1/external/restart


"batchName": "MMG_R1",

"batchRunId": "MMG_R1_2022-07-15_1657867378160_1"



"severity": "info",

"summary": "Object triggered successfully for restart with Run Id:


"batchRunId": "MMG_R1_2022-07-15_1657867378160_1",

"details": "Object triggered successfully.",

"status": "success",

"statusCode": "0"


Interrupt rest-api/v1/external/interrupt


"batchName": "B2001",

"batchRunId": "B2001_2022-05-22_1653222717896_1"



"summary": "Execution interrupted successfully for Run Id:


"severity": "info",

"batchRunId": "B2001_2022-05-30_1653233511394_1",

"details": "Execution interrupted successfully.",

"statusCode": "0",

"status": "success"


Table B-2 Failed Response Body

Failed Sample Response JSON Description
Batch Status Failed


"severity": "info",

"batchRunId": "BT-BI-EXCHG_RATES_EOD_2022-05-27_1653662703599_1",

"batchStatusCode": "-1",

"batchList": [],

"batchStatus": "FAILED",

"statusCode": "0",

"status": "success"


Object Not found


"severity": "error",

"summary": "Object does not exist.",

"details": "Object does not exist.",

"error": {

"errorCode": "OBJECT_NOT_EXIST",

"errorMsg": "Object does not exist."


"statusCode": "-3",

"status": "failed"


Table B-3 Status Codes in the Response Body

Status Code Description
0 Success
1 Not Started
2 Ongoing
4 Excluded
5 Held
-1 Failure
-2 Interrupted
-3 Object does not exist
-4 Invalid arguments passed in request/not enough parameters in the Request body
-5 Invalid request headers/request headers missing
-6 No executable job is present
-7 Job is already interrupted