Start Profiling

Prerequisite: You must create a Dataset with a datasource having columns with DATA_TYPE as DATE.
To start a Profile:
  1. Navigate to Dataset Summary page.
  2. Click Action next to corresponding Dataset and select View.
    This window displays the Dataset profiles in a table.

    Figure 8-18 Dataset Profiles

    This image displays the Dataset Profiles.

  3. Click Start Profiling or click Settings .
    The Profiler Settings page is displayed.

    Figure 8-19 Profiler Settings page

    This image displays the Profiler Settings page.

  4. Under Basic Information section, enter the following details:
    1. Select the required columns from the drop-down. All the numeric options are displayed under the Columns drop down. You can select multiple columns by clicking on + icon.
    2. Enter the threshold for the columns. Threshold defines the Drift detection threshold for each column and only numerical columns can be selected for profiling.
    3. Select the required filter column from the drop-down. Filter column contains date column of the dataset to filter.
    4. Enable Generate First Profile option if you want to generate a profile.
  5. Under Schedule section, enter the following details:
    1. Enter a Schedule Name.
    2. Select the Schedule Type as required:
      • Daily: Select to run the schedule everyday.
      • Weekly: Select to run the schedule once in a week or the selected days in a week.
      • Monthly: Select to run the schedule once in a month or the selected days in a month.
    3. Click Save.
    The Data Profiling has been started and Stop Profiling option is displayed in the Profile Summary screen.
    For more details on disabling dataset profile, see Stop Profiling section.
  6. Click Generate Profile.
    The Data Profile is created.
    Schedule Daily
    To schedule the profiler to run daily, perform the following steps:
    1. In the Profiler Settings screen, select the Schedule Type as Daily.
    2. Select the start date on which you want to run the profiler.
    3. Select the end date on which you want to stop your schedule.
    4. Enter the time at which you want to run the profiler.
    5. Click Save.
    Schedule Weekly
    To schedule the profiler to run weekly, perform the following steps:
    1. In the Profiler Settings screen, select the Schedule Type as Weekly.
    2. Select the start date on which you want to run the profiler.
    3. Select the end date on which you want to stop your schedule.
    4. Enter the time at which you want to run the profiler.
    5. Select the day on which you want to run the profiler. You can select multiple days to run the profiler.
    6. Click Save.
    Schedule Monthly
    To schedule the profiler to run monthly, perform the following steps:
    1. In the Profiler Settings screen, select the Schedule Type as Daily.
    2. Select the start date on which you want to run the profiler.
    3. Select the end date on which you want to stop your schedule.
    4. Enter the time at which you want to run the profiler.
    5. Select the month on which you want to run the profiler. You can select multiple months to run the profiler.
    6. Select the date on which you want to run the profile of the selected month to run.
    7. Click Save.