4.3.2 Relative Time

Use the relative time filter on a Date or Date/Time to display data for a specified time period based on the current date and time. For example, Year To Date includes data from 1 January to the current date, and Month To Date includes data from the beginning of the month to the current date.

  1. Select the Relative Time tab. The Relative Time dialog is expanded with the following list of filter options.
    • Type: Select any one of the following options:
      • Last: Includes values for previous N time increments from the current date
      • Next: Includes values for next N time increments from the current date. For example, 'Next Three Months' will include the next 90 days from today
      • To Date: includes values from the beginning of the indicated time level to today. For example, 'Year to Date' will include all days from January 1st to today
    • Increment: Enter the required number.
    • Time Level : Select Years, Quarters, Weeks, Days Hours, minutes, and seconds.
    • Relative to: is by default to Today.
  2. Click on Apply. Based on your selection, the result is displayed.