2 User Roles and Privileges  

In Oracle Financial Services Monitor Cloud Service, users have roles through which they gain access to functions and data. Users can have any number of roles.

The following figure shows the User Persona Details:

Figure 2-1 User Roles and Privileges


  • User-Group mapping changes from IAM will take five minutes to sync with application. If these changes are made during active user session then it will be reflected on next login.

Role-Based Access Control

Role-based security in Oracle Financial Services Compliance Monitor Cloud Service controls who can do what on which data.

Table 2-1 Role-Based Access Control

Component Description
Who Is a role assigned to a user?
What Is a function that users with the role can perform?
Which Data Is the set of data that users with the role can access when performing the function?

This table provides some examples of role-based access

Table 2-2 role-based access

Who What Which Data
Data Administrator Can perform Data Preparation and ingestion Business Data
Case Analyst Can view cases and update cases Business and Operational Data

User Group, Role, and Activities

The following table provides the User Group, User Role mapping, and activities. 

Table 2-3 User Group, Role, and Activities

User Groups User Role Activities
Identity Administrator Identity Administrator
  •  View the reports
  • View the object storage
  • View the OAUTH credentials
  • Perform the Identity and access management operations
Identity Authorizer Identity Authorizer Authorize the Identity and access management operations
IAM Administrator IAM Administrator
  • Create users
  • Map users to  IDNTY_ADMIN group
  • Map users to IDNTY_AUTH group
MNTRCCOGRP MonitorCS CCO Group CCO dashboard
MNTRDEPUTYCCOGRP MonitorCS Deputy CCO Group CCO dashboard
MNTRCMSUPGRP MonitorCS CM Supervisor Group Case Management dashboard
MNTRRRSUPGRP MonitorCS RR Supervisor Group Regulatory Report dashboard
MNTRKYCSUPGRP MonitorCS KYC Supervisor Group KYC dashboard
MNTRCMANALYSTGRP MonitorCS CM Analyst Group Case Management dashboard but only those cases owned by them
MNTRCSSUPGRP MonitorCS CS Supervisor Group CS dashboard
MNTRTFSUPGRP MonitorCS TF Supervisor Group TF dashboard
MNTRADMNGRP MonitorCS Analytics Admin Group Create Custom Reports.


User can save Custome Reports in /Shared Folders/MONITORCS Ad-hoc Analysis folder
MNTRSRVCADMNGRP MonitorCS Service Admin Group Admin Activities -Configure Security Mapper and Trigger Batch