8.3.1 Creating a Batch

You can create a new batch in the Define Batch Page, and schedule and monitor the batch that you created.

  1. To create a new Batch, click the Add (add icon) button in the Define Batch Page.
    The Create Batch Page is displayed.

    Figure 8-2 Create Batch Page

    Create Batch Page

    Enter the Batch Information as described in the following table:

    Table 8-2 Field Description

    Field Description
    Batch Details

    The Unique Alphanumeric Code assigned to the Batch.


    • The Batch Name should be unique across the Information Domain.
    • The Batch Name must be alphanumeric and should not start with a number.
    • The Batch Name should not exceed 60 characters in length.
    • The Batch Name should not contain any special characters except “_”.
    Batch Name

    The Batch Name is generated based on the values provided by you.


    • The Batch Name should be unique across the Information Domain.
    • The Batch Name should be Alphanumeric and should not start with a number.
    • The Batch Name should not exceed 60 characters in length.
    • The Batch Name should not contain any special characters except “_”.
    Batch Description

    Enter a description for the Batch based on the Batch Name.


    The Batch Description should be Alphanumeric. The allowed special characters are_.:- and <blank space>, along with spaces and alpha-numeric. It should not exceed 200 characters in length.

    Service URL Name/ Service URL
    • Select the Service URL Name from the drop-down list, if it is available. The Service URL is displayed in the Service URL field.
    • To add a new service URL, enter a name to identify it in the Service URL Name field and enter the proper URL in the Service URL field. You can give partial URL here and the remaining URL in the Task Service URL.
  2. Adding Batch Parameters

    Figure 8-3 Adding Batch Parameters Window

    Adding Batch Parameters Window

    From the Batch Parameters pane, click () to add a new Batch Parameter. By default, $FICMISDATE$ and $BATCHRUNID$ are added as Batch Parameters.


    Enclose the Parameter Value for a Run time with $ symbol. For example, $paramName$
    1. Enter the Parameter Name in the Param Name field.
    2. Enter the Parameter Value in the Param Value field.You can delete a parameter by clicking Delete corresponding to the parameter.
  3. Adding Header Parameters

    Figure 8-4 Adding Header Parameters Window

    Adding Header Parameters Window

  4. Click Save. The new Batch is created and displayed in the Define Batch Page.