Defined Org Unit

The Defined Org Unit report provides a view of the Top Down Ledger Data for different Organizational Units. The canvas empowers all org owners to access actionable profitability insight directly. The users can then assess risk-adjusted metrics such as return on assets (ROTA), return on Net Interest Margin (NIM), risk-adjusted return on capital (RAROC) or key performance indicators such as top 10 products by balance growth.

You can use a series of Report Prompts, as previously described, to filter the data. In addition, there are In-Report prompt selections to select the Top/ Bottom N org units that you are interested in, and the corresponding data will be displayed.

The report displays the underlying data according to the following Charts:
  • Org Unit wise contribution for Reporting Line (TOP N); the same is available for bottom view
    In this chart, for the selected reporting line, the Top N (N selected from the chart prompt) and bottom N organization units are displayed in descending order of value of the reporting line.

    Figure 6-34 Org Unit wise contribution for Reporting Line (TOP N)

    This image displays Org Unit wise contribution for Reporting Line (TOP N).

  • Org Unit by End of Period Balance (TOP N); the same is available for bottom view
    The chart displays the Top N (N selected from the chart prompt) and bottom N organization units sorted in a descending order by End of Period Balances.

    Figure 6-35 Org Unit by End of Period Balance (TOP N)

    This image displays the Org Unit by End of Period Balance (TOP N)

  • Key Business Metrics by Org Unit (TOP N); the same is available for bottom view
    The chart displays the Top N (N selected from the chart prompt) and bottom N organization units sorted in a descending order by End of Period Balances and provides the breakup between Asset and Liability Balances.

    Figure 6-36 Key Business Metrics by Org Unit (TOP N)

    This image displays the Key Business Metrics by Org Unit (TOP N).

  • Key Performance Metrics by Org Unit (TOP N); the same is available for bottom view
    The chart displays the Top N (N selected from the chart prompt) and bottom N organization units sorted in a descending order by End of Period Balances and provides selected KPI’s like NIM and ROTA of these Org Units.

    Figure 6-37 Key Performance Metrics by Org Unit (TOP N)

    This image displays the Key Performance Metrics by Org Unit (TOP N).