8.5.1 Execute a Batch and Batch Group

The Execute Batch option allows you to run a batch instantaneously. To execute a Batch/Batch Group, perform the following steps:
  1. Click Schedule Batch from the Header panel.
    The Schedule Page is displayed.
  2. Select Batch or Bath Group to execute, from the drop-down list.
  3. Select the Batch /Batch Group Name from the Select Name drop down menu. For example, AMLDataLoad.
  4. Click Execute.
    The Execution Schedule Page is displayed.

    Figure 8-6 Execution Schedule Page

    Execution Schedule Page

  5. If you want to exclude/include some tasks, click Exclude Tasks.
  6. If you want to hold/release some tasks, click Hold Tasks.
  7. If you want to edit the dynamic parameters of the batch, click Edit Dynamic Parameters.
  8. Click Execute.
    The Batch is executed, and the associated unique execution ID is displayed.
  9. Schedule a Batch/Batch Group
    You can schedule a Batch/Batch Group to run just for Once, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Cron Expression for scheduling the batches. You can also have a user defined schedule to schedule and run a batch.