Report Data Action

The reports provide the capability to analyze data across canvases via a data action. The following are the data action configuration details:

Figure 6-16 Data Action configuration in Top Down Summary canvas

This image displays the Data Action configuration in Top Down Summary canvas.

From every chart available in “Top Down Summary”, except for “Net Interest Income” and “Net Interest Margin” charts, you can select a value, and then navigate to the Time, Detailed Income Statement and Defined Org Unit canvas.

In order to do so, with a right click on the chart selection, the data action option (Analyze) will appear for you to be able to pass on the data filters to the canvas that you select.

Figure 6-17 Data Action configuration in Time canvas

This image displays the Data Action configuration in Time canvas.

From every chart available in the Time canvas, you can select a value, and then navigate to the Top Down Summary, Detailed Income Statement and Defined Org Unit canvas.

In order to do so, with a right click on the chart selection, the data action option (Analyze) will appear for you to be able to pass on the data filters to the canvas that you select.

Figure 6-18 Data Action configuration in Detailed Income Statement canvas

This image displays the Data Action configuration in Detailed Income Statement canvas.

Note that although Line Item Name and Hierarchy appear as a pass value, tool limitation currently limits passing these values to the other canvases.

In order to invoke Data Action within Detailed Income Statement report, with a right click on the reporting line selection, the data action option will appear for you to be able to navigate further to the canvas that you select.

Figure 6-19 Data Action configuration in Defined Org Unit canvas

This image displays the Data Action configuration in Defined Org Unit canvas.

From every chart available in the Defined Org Unit canvas, you can select a value, and then navigate to the Time, Detailed Income Statement or Top Down Summary canvas.

In order to do so, with a right click on the chart selection, the data action option will appear for you to be able to navigate to the canvas you selected.