3.5.2 Creating Hierarchy Definitions

To create a Hierarchy Definition in the Hierarchy Summary Page, complete the following steps.

  1. To create a Hierarchy definition, click Add in the Hierarchy Summary Page.

    The Add Hierarchy Definition Page is displayed.

    Enter the Hierarchy Details as described in the following table:

    Table 3-1 Field Description

    Field Description
    Basic Details

    The unique Hierarchy Definition Name.


    You can enter up to 100 characters. All characters are allowed except " & ' and " ' ".

    A brief description about the Hierarchy Definition.


    You can enter up to 100 characters. All characters are allowed except " & ' + @ and ~.
    Hierarchy Sub Type By default, the sub type is set to Member based and cannot be changed.
    Folder Select the Folder in which the Hierarchy is to be stored.
    Based On
    Dimension Select the Dimension to be associated with the new Hierarchy Definition.
    Start Date The date from which this Hierarchy will be activated. By default the Start Date is set to the current System Date.
    Data Grid
    Hierarchy View

    The Members associated with the selected Dimension are displayed.

    You can sort this list in Ascending/Descending order, expand or collapse the list to view in details and search for a specific Member.

    You can focus on a Member to view the Member Properties.

    You can add a Child or add a Sibling to an existing Member in the Data Grid.

    Search Results The search results based on the specific keyword entered to search a Member is populated.

    To Add a Child to the Hierarchy:

    1. Right-click in the Hierarchy View tab.
    2. Select Add Child option and the Add Member Page are displayed.
    3. Select the required Member and click Move, to move the Member to the Selected Members panel. To select multiple members, press CTRL and select the members.

      The selected members are added to the Selected Members pane.

      • Click Move All to move all Members listed in the Show Members pane, to the Selected Members pane. Click Fetch from DB to select all nodes/ members in the server.
      • Select a member and Click Remove to deselect a Member. To remove multiple members, press CTRL and select the members.
      • To remove all the members from the Selected Members pane, click Remove all.
      • You can click Search button for the required member using Alphanumeric Code, Numeric Code, Name, Description, Attribute Name, or Attribute Value. Enter the search criteria and Click Search, in the Search Panel.
      • You can also click Search button to toggle the display of Numeric Code left, right, or name and click button to display Alphanumeric Code left, right, or name.
    4. Click OK. The selected Member is displayed as Child under Data Grid panel in the Hierarchy View tab.
  2. To add a Sibling to the Child in the Hierarchy Definition:
    1. Right-click on the Child and select the option Add Sibling.

      The Add Sibling Page is displayed.

    2. Select the required Members and Move, to move the Member to the Selected Members panel.

      The Member is displayed in the Selected Members panel.

    3. Click OK. The selected Member is added as Sibling below the Parent under Data Grid Panel in the Hierarchy View Tab.
  3. To add a Leaf under a Parent/Child or Sibling:
    1. Right-click the Parent or Child and select Add Leaf.

      The Add Member Page is displayed.

    2. Select the required Members and click Move, to move the Member to the Selected Members panel.

      The Member is displayed in the Selected Members panel.

    3. Click OK. The selected Member is displayed as Leaf below the Parent or Sibling under Show Hierarchy Panel in the Hierarchy View Tab.
  4. To define Level Properties:
    1. Right-click the Parent or Child and select Level Properties. The details are displayed in the Member Properties Panel.
    2. Enter the valid Name and Description in the respective fields.
    3. Click OK and the Levels defined are displayed in the drop-down in Initial Level Display field in Data Grid in Hierarchy View Tab.
  5. To cut and paste Child or Sibling:
    1. Right-click on any node and select Cut.
    2. Right-click on any node and Paste as Child or Paste as Sibling.
  6. To Delete/Undelete
    1. Right-click on the node to be deleted and select Delete Node.

      The node deleted is struck out.

    2. Right-click and select UnDelete to cancel deletion of the node.
  7. To view the Member Properties and Member Attributes of a node in the Hierarchy View Panel:
    1. Click on a Member.

      The properties such as Alphanumeric Code, Numeric Code, Name, Description, Enabled, Is Leaf, Created By, Creation Date, Last Modified By, Last Modification Date, Attribute, and Value of the selected Member are displayed in the Member Properties and Member Attributes Grids.

      In the Hierarchies page you can also:

      • Click Collapse or Expand, to collapse or expand a branch .
      • Click Focus or Unfocus, to focus or unfocus a selected node except the Root Node.
      • Click Sort to sort the list in ascending or descending order.
  8. Click Save.

    The new Hierarchy Definition is created successfully.