3.3.1 Member Summary Page

The list of created member definitions are displayed in the Member Summary.

To access the Member Summary Page, complete the following procedure.

  1. From the left menu, click Common Object Maintenance.
  2. Select Dimension Management and select Member.

    The Member Summary Page containing the following details is displayed.

    • Alphanumeric Code - The Alphanumeric Code assigned to a Member.
    • Numeric Code - The Numeric Code assigned to a Member.
    • Name - The unique Member Name.
    • Is Leaf - The leaf node status of the member definition.
      • Yes - The member is set as a leaf node in any hierarchy and child cannot be added to this node.
      • No - The member is a not a leaf and can have Child Nodes.
    • Action - Click to View, Edit, Copy or Delete a Member Definition.