6.1 Preferences

This section discusses the procedure to set the Global and Application preference setings.

To configure the Preferences, perform the following steps:
  1. From the LHS Menu, navigate to Setup Configurations, and select Preferences to display the Application Preference Screen.
  2. Select the user from Show Preferences for the drop-down list. This has the following options:
    • All User: If you have Administrator Privileges, you can define preferences for the All User Group and their individual account, which may be the same or different from the All User Settings. The Administrator can also designate the All User Preferences as Editable or Non-Editable on a row-by-row basis. If the individual preference is selected, as is Editable, then End Users can update or override the Administrator's default value for their own individual account. If the Is Editable box is deselected, then End Users cannot change the default for their individual account.
    • End-User: If you do not have Administrator Privileges, then certain preference items are pre-set by the Administrator and you may not be allowed to change the value. All Application Preference Settings are displayed, regardless of the access privilege.


      Is Editable status is disabled since individual users are not expected to modify the following parameters.