Request JSON Parameters

This section provides the list of parameters in the JSON Request.

Table 5-1 Request JSON Parameters

Name Type Required Description
fileName STRING Yes

The name of the file to be uploaded.

The following are the conditions for to enter in this field:

  • Must start with an Alphanumeric Character
  • Allowed characters are alphabets, numbers, and special characters - hyphen(-), dot(.), and underscore(_)
  • Length of characters must not be greater than 255 characters
fileSize INTEGER Yes

The size of the file (in Bytes) to be uploaded.

The size of the file should be greater than 1 Byte and less than 7 GB.

mimeType STRING Yes

The mime type to be uploaded.

The following mime types are allowed:

  • Text/CSV
  • Text/plain
  • DAT

Request JSON Sample

"fileName": "File.csv",
"fileSize": 7654,
"mimeType": "text/csv"