3 Oracle Financial Services Profitability and Balance Sheet Management Cloud Service

The following table lists the Third Party Software Tools used in the application.

Table 3-1 Table: Third Party Software Tools

Products Licensing Description

Oracle Financial Services Profitability and Balance Sheet Management Cloud Service includes the following products:

  • Oracle Financial Services Profitability Management Cloud Service
  • Oracle Financial Services Cash Flow Engine Cloud Service
  • Third party software tools used in the application:
    • Jetty (9.4.44.v20210927)
    • Scala (2.13.8)
    • jackson-core (2.13.2)
    • jackson-jaxrs-json-provider (2.13.2)
    • jackson-annotations (2.13.2)
    • Helidon (2.4.1)
    • Jersey (2.35)
    • jackson-databind (
    • jackson-datatype-jsr310 (2.13.2)
    • jackson-module-scala (2.13.2)
    • JSON in Java (20211205)
    • poi-ooxml (5.2.0)