C.2.4 Editing Cells

This section contains information on editing cells.

Table C-4 Editing Cells

Cell mode before action Action Key(s) Cell mode after action Notes
Navigation Edit focused cell (enter Actionable mode)

(All) Enter -or- F2


(LUX) Shift+Enter


(WAI-ARIA (optional), LUX) Any alphanumeric character


(LUX) In a Text Column or Text Area Column cell, typing an alphanumeric character will also replace the current cell value with the character just typed

(LUX) In a Number/Cost/Percent column cell, typing an alphanumeric character will also select the current cell value, if any; the character just typed is not entered in the cell

Editable Cancel changes and exit Actionable mode (All) Escape Navigation (WAI-ARIA) Does not mention canceling changes, just exiting Actionable mode
Editable Commit changes and exit Actionable mode

(WAI-ARIA (optional), LUX) Enter


(LUX) Shift+Enter


(LUX) If the currently focused cell is not in the last data row of the Grid, Enter or Shift+Enter will also move focus to the cell immediately below the focused cell (note that Shift+Enter moves focus down such as Enter, not up)

(LUX) In a Text Area Column cell, Enter does not exit the editor; it just adds a newline character to the text value at the current insertion point. Shift+Enter behaves such as a normal Enter or Shift+Enter, as if the cell were not a Text Area Column cell

(LUX) In a Date Column or Select Multi Column cell, Enter and Shift+Enter do nothing

Editable Move focus to next actionable (tabbable) item (All) Tab

Old cell: Navigation;

New cell: Editable

(LUX) Next actionable item is usually in next cell

(LUX) If the editOnTab option is true, the newly focused cell enters Actionable mode

Editable Move focus to previous actionable (tabbable) item (All) Shift+Tab

Old cell: Navigation;

New cell: Editable

(LUX) Previous actionable item is usually in previous cell

(LUX) If the editOnTab option is true, the newly focused cell enters Actionable mode

Editable Move to next row Enter

Old row: Navigation;

New row: Editable

(LUX) See LUX comments for "Commit changes and exit Actionable mode"
Editable Select date in Date Column (LUX) See the OJET Input Date and Time Keyboard End User Information. See the OJET Input Date and Time Keyboard End User Information.
Editable Increment Spinner Number Column cell Up Arrow Editable
Editable Decrement Spinner Number Column cell Down Arrow Editable
Navigation Toggle checked state of check-box Space Navigation
Navigation Clear data from the focused cell (LUX) Delete Navigation Delete key clears the values in select and check column cells as well