5.4 Monitor Batch

Table 5-4 Keystroke References for the Controls in the Operations – Monitor Batch module

UI Control How Does the UI Control Look List of UI Controls on the Screen Keystrokes to Access This UI Control
oj-menu button

Figure 5-74 Menu button

This image displays the Menu button.

Menu button OJET Button (oj-button)

Figure 5-75 Help button

This image displays the Help button.

Help OJET Button (oj-button)

Figure 5-76 Start Monitoring button

This image displays the Start Monitoring button.

Start Monitoring OJET Button (oj-button)

Figure 5-77 Legend

This image displays the Legend.


Figure 5-78 Start Monitor button

This image displays the Start Monitor button.

Start Monitor button OJET Button (oj-button)

Figure 5-79 Batch ID button

This image displays the Batch ID button.

· Batch ID

· Task ID

OJET Button (oj-button)

Figure 5-80 Pagination

This image displays the Pagination.

Pagination OJET CCA Pagination (oj-cca-pagination)
oj-records per page

Figure 5-81 Records per page

This image displays the Records per page.

Records per page OJET CCA Records per Page (oj-cca-records)

Figure 5-82 FIC MIS Date

This image displays the FIC MIS Date.

FIC MIS Date OJET Date or DateTime (oj-datetime / oj-calendar)
oj-input number

Figure 5-83 Wildcard Input Number

This image displays the Wildcard Input Number.

Wildcard OJET Input Number (oj-input-number)

Figure 5-84 View Logger

This image displays the View Logger.

View Logger

Log File Contents

OJET Expand/Collapse (oj-collapse)

Figure 5-85 Reset button

This image displays the Reset button.

Reset button OJET Button (oj-button)

Figure 5-86 View Log button

This image displays the View Log button.

View Log button OJET Button (oj-button)

Figure 5-87 Download button

This image displays the Download button.

Download button OJET Button (oj-button)