Creating a New Export Definition

An Export definition includes multiple objects of different object types that you can migrate from the On-Premise to SaaS environment.

Ensure that you have the User Groups assigned to perform On-Premise to SaaS Migration.
To create a new export definition:
  1. Click Add.
  2. Select/enter the following Export Definition details.
    • Name - The unique identifier for the Export definition.


      The special characters - ~`!@#%^*()+=|:;\"<>'?/ are not allowed.
    • Application - The application for adding the object types to the definition.

      The object types included in the application are listed in the Object Types pane.

    • Description - The detailed description of the export definition.
  3. Include the required Object Types to the export definition.
    When you add an object type, all the dependent objects in the hierarchy are also included. But, when you remove an object type, you must remove the dependent objects manually.
    You can add/remove all the objects associated with the listed object types.

    To add/remove objects for a specific object type, click Action and select the required option.

    • Add all Objects
    • View and Select Objects
    • Remove all Objects
  4. Click Save to create a new Export definition.
    The new definition is added to the Export definition Summary.