4.1.1 Running the ISO20022 Batch

The ISO20022 messages are processed using batches. So, you must first create the following folders before you run the ISO20022 batch:
  1. Create a folder for the MIS date with the folder name as ##FIC_MIS_DATE## (the date on which we run the ISO20022 batch) in the following directory structure:

    For example, /scratch/fccmappchef/SANC807/ftpshare/SANCINFO/STAGE/SEPA/inputXML/20200214. 20200214 is the MIS Date folder.

  2. Create two folders called OUTBOUND and INBOUND inside the MIS Date folder and create a folder called INPUT inside both the folders.


    All the ISO20022 XMLs must be either kept inside the INPUT folder inside the OUTBOUND folder or the INPUT folder inside the OUTBOUND folder based on the direction of the message XML. The ISO20022 batch takes these XMLs as input when it is run.


    For example,
    • /scratch/fccmappchef/SANC807/ftpshare/SANCINFO/STAGE/SEPA/inputXML/20200214/OUTBOUND/INPUT
    • /scratch/fccmappchef/SANC807/ftpshare/SANCINFO/STAGE/SEPA/inputXML/20200214/INBOUND/INPUT
    After you run the ISO20022 batch, the following actions are performed:
    • The VAL_ERROR,PRCSNG_ERROR,PROCESSED, and FEEDBACK folders are created as part of the batch processing.
    • If any message XML fails during validation, then it is moved to the VAL_ERROR folder. The directory structures for OUTBOUND and INBOUND are as follows:



    • If any message XML fails during the parsing process after validation, then it is moved to the PRCSNG_ERROR folder. The folder structures for OUTBOUND and INBOUND are as follows:



    • If any message XML is successfully processed, then it is moved to the PROCESSED folder. The directory structures for OUTBOUND and INBOUND are as follows:



    • After the batch is run successfully, a ##FILE_NAME##_feedback.xml file is created for each file that is processed. The feedback is created inside the FEEDBACK folder. The directory structures for OUTBOUND and INBOUND are as follows:



    • The logs of the batch are available in the following path:


      For example, /scratch/fccmappchef/SANC807/SANC807/ficdb/log/TF_XML


      When we take an action (RELEASE/BLOCK) on an alert from the Investigation User Interface, a feedback XML is recreated for the corresponding file with the name ##FILE_NAME##_feedback.xml and the name of the previous file with the same name becomes ##FILE_NAME##_feedback_1.xml inside the FEEDBACK folder. So, the ##FILE_NAME##_feedback.xml is always the latest feedback file for a corresponding message XML.
  3. Navigate to the Run page.
  4. Select the TF_SEPA_messages_batch_process batch and click Fire Run. The Fire Run page is displayed.
  5. Select Single as the Request Type.
  6. Select Create & Execute in the Batch field. The MIS Date field is displayed.
  7. Select the date on which you want to execute the run. This date must be the same as the folder you create before you run the ISO20022 batch. In the example shown, since the MIS Date folder name is 20190913, the date you must select is 09/13/2019.
  8. Click OK.

    A message "Batch execution is in progress" is displayed. Click Close to go back to the Run page. After the batch is executed, you can view the batch details on the Batch Monitor page.

    To access the Batch Monitor page, click Operations, and then click Batch Monitor. The Batch Monitor page has details of all batches. The batch you have executed is the last in the Batch Details list. To run the batch, follow these steps:

    • Select the Batch and the MIS Date. After you select the MIS Date, the batch ID appears in the Batch Run ID field.
    • Select the batch ID.
    • Click Start Monitoring. The task details associated with the batch appears in the Task Details section. You can also view and export the event logs for the batch in the Event Log section.


    If the batch run fails, you must restart the batch. In this case, the batch run ID changes.

    Table 4-4 Task Details

    Task ID Task Name Task Description
    Task1 TF_CallXMLParser Parses the XML data into the pre-processing tables.
    Task2 TF_CallXMLEDQ Calls EDQ data to check if there are any matches.
    Task3 Message Data Attributes NA
    Task4 TF_CallXMLRTIPopulation Moves data from the ISO20022 configuration tables to the SWIFT configuration tables to generate OBI reports.
    Task5 TF_CallXMLAlertGeneration Creates alerts and loads data into the alert tables.
    Task6 TF_CallXMLImmediateFeedbackCreation Populates the feedback table.
    Task7 TF_CallXMLImmediateFeedbackFileGeneration Generates the feedback in an XML format in the INBOUND/feedback directory for the date on which the run is triggered.
    Task8 TF_CallXMLHighlight Populates the highlighted column in the fsi_rt_al_raw_data table.
    Task9 TF_CallUpdateAdditionalMsgDtls Populates the post-processing alert table with the additional details provided for the alert.
    Task10 TF_CallXMLStructuredSepa Populates the data in the Structured Message tab in the Investigation User Interface.