5.1 Message and Screening Configurations Window

This window allows you to edit the status, field names, and expressions of the different JSON parameters in the message.

In the Message Type Configuration field, select the SWIFT message category. All message definitions are SWIFT 2019 compliant.

Each message type has five blocks: Basic Header Block, Application Header Block, User Header Block, Text Block, and Trailer Block.

The first column lists all the SWIFT blocks and a list of fields within each block which follows SWIFT naming standards. In this field, if a part of the sequence has multiple formats, then while uploading the JSON for the message type, update the formats within [..] with unique identifiers. The other columns are:
  • Status: This column mentions whether the field is Mandatory (M) or Optional (O).
  • FieldName: This column describes the name of the given field as per SWIFT standards.
  • Expression: This column depicts the field structure in terms of expression. For example, if the field is a data type, then the maximum length of the field is displayed.

To edit a parameter, click the parameter name. After you make the changes, click Save.