Accessing Audit History

You can access the Audit History from the Navigation List.

  1. In the Applications landing page, click the Navigation Menu Navigation iconto access the Navigation List. The Navigation List displays the list of modules.
  2. Select Audit History. The Audit History page displays.
    The following table describes the columns which display in the Audit History.

    Table 20-2 Columns in the Audit History

    Column Description
    Component Type of component the action was taken on. For example, Scenario Pipeline or Threshold.
    Component Name Name of the threshold or pipeline the action was taken on. For example, if you are viewing the Audit History for a scenario pipeline, the scenario name will display.
    Sub Component Type of sub component the action was taken on. For example, High Level Dataset, Evaluation, Risk Indicator and so on. If there is no sub component, this column will appear blank.
    Sub Component Name Name of the sub component the action was taken on. For example, if a scenario Risk Indicator was updated, the name of the Risk Indicator will display, such as Total of Very High Risk Amount Percentage.If there is no sub component, this column will appear blank.
    Action Action that was taken. For example, Changing a pipeline name, adding or modifying widgets in the pipeline, creating or deleting a threshold set, changing threshold set configurations and so on.


    • When a parameter is deleted, the Action column displays Delete.
    • When a widget or pipeline is deleted at the parent level without deleting its underlying parameters, the Action column displays Bulk Delete.
    Current State The current state of the component which was acted upon. Compare the Current State with the Previous State to see the change which was made.
    Previous State The previous state of the component which was acted upon. Compare the Current State with the Previous State to see the change which was made.
    Updated By User who took the action.
    Date & Time Date and Time the action was taken.