Adding Rulesets

Use the Matching Rules widget to add new rulesets.

  1. In the Pipeline Designer page, select the pipeline you want to edit. The Pipeline Designer window appears.
  2. Hover over the Matching Rules widget Matching Rules widgetand click Edit Edit icon. Provide the following details:
    • Ruleset Name: Enter the name for your ruleset. This is a mandatory field.
    • Description: Enter the description of the ruleset. This is a mandatory field.
    • Scoring Aggregation Type: Select the scoring type. Currently, only Maximum is available.
    • Set Threshold: Enter the threshold value for the ruleset.
    • Source: Select Filter Filter iconto add values for the source entity in the Add Source Entity Filters window.
      1. To add a value, click Add Add iconand provide the required attribute, operator, and value. Attributes can be Business Domain Code, Customer Type Code, or Jurisdiction Code. Enter the value based on the attribute. For example, a value for jurisdiction code can be JC1.
      2. Click Save Save icon to save the values or click Close Close icon to go back to the Matching Ruleset window.
    • Target: Select Filter Filter iconto add values for the target entity in the Add Source Entity Filters window.
      1. To add a value, click Add Add iconand provide the required attribute, operator, and value. Attributes can be Business Domain Code, Customer Type Code, or Jurisdiction Code. Enter the value based on the attribute. For example, a value for jurisdiction code can be JC1.
      2. Click Save Save icon to save the values or click Close Close icon to go back to the Matching Ruleset window.
    • Rules: Select Add Add icon to add a rule for the ruleset.
    • Name: Enter the rule name.
    • Description: Enter the description of the ruleset. This is a mandatory field.
    • Rule Threshold: Enter the threshold value for the rule.
    • Mappings: Select Add Add icon to add a matching configuration for the rule.
    • Source Attribute: Select one or more source attributes from the customer record that must be matched.
    • Target Attribute: Select one or more attributes from the watch list against which matching is performed.
    • Match Type: Select the matching type. The following match types are available:
      • Exact
      • Fuzzy
      • Date
    • Scoring Method: Select the scoring method if you have selected the match type as Fuzzy. The scoring methods described in the Using Matching Rules widget section are available:
    • Threshold: Enter the threshold score.
    • Weightage: Enter the weightage.
    • Condition: If this check box is selected, then this condition must be met for matching.
  3. Click Save Save icon to save the changes. The rule is created and is visible on the canvas. It is also available for use in the Matching Ruleset window.
    When you have finished looking through the fields and want to go back to the Pipeline Designer window, click Close Close icon to close the window. Finally, click Save Save icon to save the updates made.