Using Auto Elimination Rules Widget

Auto Elimination rules are designed to reduce False Positives so that analysts will be provided only the events requiring a manual intervention.

Using the auto-elimination pre-set rules, you can use the Auto Elimination Rules widget to mark the events automatically as False Positive.


No new Auto-Elimination rules can be created in the application.

The cases and associated events generated go through the auto-elimination rules widget. If any of the auto-elimination rules are applicable as per pre-defined rule sets, those events are filtered and auto-eliminated. The auto-eliminated events will have the event decision as False Positive, and the corresponding matched rule will be added as the comment. You cannot reopen the auto-eliminated event.

Auto-elimination rules can be enabled or disabled anytime and can be enabled based on the event type (SAN/PEP/EDD/PRB). If any auto-elimination rule applies for an event, the remaining rules are not executed.

The folllowing table the auto-elimination rules and their priorities.

Table 7-3 Auto-Elimination Rules

Rule Priority Rule Name Description
1 Difference in date of birth Where the Date of Birth differs between customer and watchlist
2 Difference in year of birth Where the Year of Birth is greater than 2 years between customer and watchlist
3 Difference in gender and country Where the Gender differs and there are no matching Countries across any of the date available in the customer and the Watchlist Profile
4 Difference in gender Where the Gender differs between customer and watchlist
5 Difference in nationality Where the Nationality/Citizenship differs between customer and watchlist
6 Difference in country Where there are no matching Countries across any of the data available between customer and watchlist
7 Difference in year of birth when there is a relationship to PEP as Son or Daughter or Child Where the Alert is against a Relative and Close Associate of the PEP, the relationship to the PEP is Son/Daughter/Child
8 Difference in year of birth when there is a relationship to PEP as Mother or Father Where the Alert is against a Relative and Close Associate of a PEP, the relationship to the PEP is Mother/Father