Calculated Minimum Charges

The following table illustrates the rate components necessary to levy a simple rate that contains the following charges:

  • First 300 kilowatt hours at $0.0382 per kWh.
  • Remaining kilowatt hours at $0.0673 per kWh.
  • Minimum charge of $0.15 per day.
  • State Tax at the prevailing rate (this tax is a percentage of a dollar value).
  • County Use Tax at the prevailing rate (this tax is an amount per kilowatt hour).
Seq # RC Type Value Type Value Bill Factor Item Type UOM/Sub-UOM/SQI Step Range Cross Reference Calc Only Result Type
30 Service Quantity Unit Rate 0.0382 KWH 0 to 300 N
40 Service Quantity Unit Rate 0.0673 KWH 300 to infinity N
50 Summary 30, 40 N
52 Service Quantity Unit Rate .15 DAYS Y Charge
54 Minimum Charge 52 30, 40 N
60 Apply To Percent STTAX 30, 40, 54 N
70 Apply To Unit Rate COUNTYTAX 30, 40 N