Audit Framework for Fully-Insured Billing

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing calculates the membership premium when you add a membership to a policy plan. It also enables you to recalculate the membership premium in the following scenarios:

  • A member person is added or removed from the membership.

  • The fields, characteristics, or statuses which are monitored for the auditing purposes are updated at the membership, member person, or pricing rule level.

  • A pricing rule is added or updated for the policy plan.

  • The derivation and pricing parameters are defined or updated for a bill group.

The membership premium calculation and recalculation (i.e. repricing) is implemented using the Entity Audit feature. The entity audit framework is already configured for the following business objects:

  • C1-Membership

  • C1_​PERSON_​BO

  • C1-PricingRuleTierBased

  • C1-PricingRuleAgeBased

  • C1-BillLevel

To configure the entity audit framework for the above listed business objects, the following changes are made to these business objects:

  • The Eligible for Audit Event option type is set to Y in

  • An algorithm created using the C1-REAUDEVNT algorithm type is already attached to the Audit system event of the C1-PricingRuleTierBased, C1-PricingRuleAgeBased, and C1-BillLevel business objects.

  • An algorithm created using the C1-FIAUDEV algorithm type is already attached to the Audit system event of the C1-Membership and C1_​PERSON_​BO business objects.

But, the entity audit framework will work when you define an active audit event type for the above listed business objects. For more information on how to create an audit event type, see Defining an Audit Event Type. While creating an audit event type for the C1-PricingRuleTierBased and C1-PricingRuleAgeBased business objects, you need to attach an algorithm created using the C1-AUDEVMPR algorithm type to the Audit Event Processing system event of the respective audit event type. And, while creating an audit event type for the C1-BillLevel business object, you need to attach an algorithm created using the C1-AUDBILLVL algorithm type to the Audit Event Processing system event of the audit event type.

In addition, you need to list the following in the pricing rule types where the category is set to Age Based and Tier Based:

  • Audit event types of the C1-Membership and C1_​PERSON_​BO business objects using which the audit event should be created whenever a membership and member person is added, updated, or removed from the policy plan, respectively.

  • Elements of the C1-Membership and C1_​PERSON_​BO business objects for which auditing is required.


At present, you cannot use an audit event type of the C1-Membership and C1_​PERSON_​BO business objects in the Age Based and Tier Based pricing rule types when the Update All option is selected in the audit event type. Therefore, we recommend you to select an audit event type of the C1-Membership and C1_​PERSON_​BO business objects where the Update All option is not selected.

The system creates an audit event whenever the membership start and end dates and member person’s start and end dates are changed in the system irrespective of whether these fields are listed for auditing or not in the age based or tier based pricing rule types.

You can also configure the entity audit feature for any custom membership or person business objects.

The way in which the audit events are created and processed for a pricing rule, membership, and member person is different. While creating an audit event, the system checks whether an audit event for the entity with the same effective date already exists in the Pending status. If so, the system does not create a new audit event for the entity. Instead, the system adds a log in the existing audit event.

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How the audit events are created and processed for the derivation and pricing parameters of a bill group Bill Group Derivation and Pricing Parameters Audit Process

Parent topic: Fully-Insured Billing