Viewing the 360° Information of a Person


To view the 360° information of a person, you should have:

  • Value defined for the Person Relationship Type option type in the C1-ASOBLLNG feature configuration


To view the 360° information of a person:

  1. Search for the person in the Customer 360° View screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the View (The View Icon) icon corresponding to the person whose details you want to view.

    The Person tab appears in the Customer 360° Information screen. It contains the following zones:

  3. View the basic details of the person in the Person Information zone.
  4. View the characteristics of the person in the Person Characteristics zone.
  5. View the child persons included in the person’s hierarchy in the Child Persons zone.
  6. View the accounts and policies where the person is the main customer and memberships where the person is the main subscriber in the Person Hierarchy zone.
  7. View the parent customer’s accounts and policies and its bill groups’ accounts and policies in the Person Billing Hierarchy zone.
  8. View the derivation and pricing parameters defined for the bill group and sort ID combinations in the Bill Group Derivation and Pricing Parameters zone.
  9. View the sort IDs defined for the bill groups in the Bill Group Sorting zone.
  10. View how and when the person was contacted in the Customer Contacts zone.
  11. View the customer registration objects through which the bill groups are created for the parent customer in the Bill Groups Created Via Customer Registration zone.
  12. If required, you can view the details of the account to which the person is associated in the Account tab.

    If you are viewing the 360° information of a parent customer, the following zones appears in the Account tab when you click the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to the account in the Account List zone:

  13. If required, you can view the details of the policy to which the person is associated in the Policy tab.
  14. If required, you can view the pricing information of the parent customer or its bill groups in the Pricing Information tab.

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