Setting the C1_​FINTRANOP Feature Configuration

The C1_​FINTRANOP feature configuration enables the system to determine various options which should be considered while creating billable charges, determining a price item pricing, generating bill segments, and while creating an actual bill using a trial bill.


To set the C1_​FINTRANOP feature configuration, you should have:

  • Values defined for the BIRC_​OPT_​TYP_​FLG lookup field


To set the C1_​FINTRANOP feature configuration:

  1. Click the Admin link in the Application toolbar.
    A list appears.
  2. From the Admin menu, select F and then click Feature Configuration.
    A sub-menu appears.
  3. Click the Search option from the Feature Configuration sub-menu.
    The Feature Configuration Query screen appears.
  4. In the Feature Configuration Search zone, enter C1_​FINTRANOP in the Feature Name field.
    Note: ORMB search engine supports wildcard search, where you can substitute the percentage (%) symbol as a stand in for any word or letter in a search criteria. You can use the ‘%’ wildcard character in all input fields except the date and ID fields. The ‘%’ wildcard character is suffixed automatically at the end of the partial search criteria. Therefore, you may or may not specify the wildcard character at the end of the partial search criteria. However, you have to prefix the wildcard character manually wherever required.
  5. Click Search.
    A list of feature configurations that meet the search criteria appears in the search results.
  6. In the Search Results section, click the link in the Description column corresponding to the feature configuration whose details you want to edit.

    The Feature Configuration screen appears. It contains the following option types:

    Option Type Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Account Financial History Details Switch Used to indicate whether detailed or summarized information should be displayed for an account in the Account Financial History screen. The valid values are:
    • Y - Used when you want to list all financial transactions of a bill, payment, or adjustment for an account in the Account Financial History screen.

    • N - Used when you want to summarize all financial transactions of a particular type on an entity (i.e. bill, payment, or adjustment) and display the total amount in the Account Financial History screen.

    Note: If you do not specify the value for this option type, by default, it is set to Y.
    Allow Advance Billing of Future Dated Charges Used to indicate whether you want to use advance billing for future dated billable charges. The valid values are:
    • Y

    • N


    If the Allow Advance Billing of Future Dated Charges option type is set to Y, the system considers those billable charges where the bill after date is on or before the cut-off date, irrespective whether the date of those billable charges is past or future dated.

    The Allow Advance Billing of Future Dated Charges option type should be defined only in case of non-recurring billable charges.

    By default, the value for this option type is set to N.

    Allow Caching Of Rule Based Autopay List Used to indicate whether you want to cache the rule based auto pay instructions of an account when the C1-APRULEEVL algorithm is invoked. The valid values are:
    • Y

    • N

    Note: If you do not specify the value for this option type, by default, it is set to N.
    Allow non-significant zero amount FT GL entry Used to indicate whether you want to allow non-significant zero amount FT GL entries in the system. The valid values are:
    • Y

    • N

    Note: The FT GL amount is considered significant only when the statistical and total amount are non-zero.
    Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This data is required when you want to allow non-significant zero amount FT GL entries in the system.
    Avoid internal match event creation for zero dollar Bill Used to indicate whether you want to consider a zero balance bill for offsetting against another bills in an offset request. The valid values are:
    • Y

    • N

    Note: If you set this option type to Y, the system does not match the credit and debit line items internally of a zero balance bill on the bill completion. If you set this option type to N, the system matches the credit and debit line items internally of a zero balance bill on the bill completion.
    Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This data is required when you want to consider a zero balance bill for offsetting against another bills in an offset request.
    Avoid Pricing Crawling if Rate Schedule present at Contract Used to indicate that the system should not determine the price item pricing using the price assignment search algorithm (which is attached on the account’s division) when the effective rate schedule is present on the contract. The valid values are:
    • Y

    • N

    Note: If you do not specify the value for this option type, by default, it is set to N.
    Bill Segment Regeneration on Freeze Used to indicate whether you want to regenerate the bill segments before freezing them. The valid values are:
    • Y

    • N


    If you do not specify the value for this option type, by default, it is set to N.

    If the Freeze and Complete option is selected for the respective window period in the bill cycle and the Bill Segment Regeneration on Freeze option type is set to Y, then the bill segments are regenerated and the status of the bill segments is set to Frozen. However, if the Freeze and Complete option is not selected for the respective window period in the bill cycle, then the bill segments are always regenerated irrespective of whether the Bill Segment Regeneration on Freeze option type is set to Y or N.

    Billable Charges Date - Non Recurring Used to indicate whether you want to consider the non-recurring billable charges whose start or end date is earlier than or equal to the cut-off date. The valid values are:
    • S - Used when you want to consider the non-recurring billable charges whose start date is earlier than or equal to the cut-off date.

    • E - Used when you want to consider the non-recurring billable charges whose end date is earlier than or equal to the cut-off date.


    If you do not specify the value for this option type, by default, it is set to S.

    The system always considers the recurring billable charges whose start date is earlier than the cut-off date and end date is later than the cut-off date irrespective of whether the Billable Charges Date option type is set to S or E.

    Billable Charges Date - Recurring Used to indicate whether you want to consider the recurring billable charges whose start or end date is earlier than or equal to the cut-off date. The valid values are:
    • S - Used when you want to consider the recurring billable charges whose start date is earlier than or equal to the cut-off date.

    • E - Used when you want to consider the recurring billable charges whose end date is earlier than or equal to the cut-off date.

    Note: If you do not specify the value for this option type, by default, it is set to S.
    Catch Up Flag For Recurring Charges Used to indicate whether you want to consider the recurring billable charges for catch up. The valid values are:
    • Y - Used when you want to consider the recurring billable charges for catch up during the bill generation process, where the billable charge end date is earlier than the billable charge cut-off date.

    • N - Used when you do not want to consider the recurring billable charges for catch up during the bill generation process, where the billable charge end date is earlier than the billable charge cut-off date.

    Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This data is required when you want to catch up with the recurring billable charges before the bill generation process.
    Defer Bill Segment Freeze Used to indicate whether you want to defer the freezing process of bill segments until the bill routing and due date calculation is completed. The valid values are:
    • Y - Used when you want the system to freeze the bill segment after the bill routing and bill due date calculation is completed.

    • N - Used when you do not want the system to freeze the bill segment after the bill routing and bill due date calculation is completed.

    Note: This flag is only considered for freezing the bill once the bill’s status is set to Complete.
    Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This data is required when you want to defer the freezing process of bill segments until the bill routing and due date calculation is completed.
    Hide Debt Class Details On Account Main Page Used to indicate whether you want to hide the debt class details in the Main tab of the Account screen. The valid values are:
    • Y - Used when you want the system to hide the debt class details in the Main tab of the Account screen.

    • N - Used when you want the system to populate the debt class details in the Main tab of the Account screen.

    Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This data is required when you want to hide the debt class details in the Main tab of the Account screen.
    Rate Component Step Optimization Used to indicate whether you want to determine the rate for all tiering ranges of a step tiered rate component or for only those tiering ranges of a step tiered rate component till when the quantity is exhausted. The valid values are:
    • Y - Used when you want to determine the rate for only those tiering ranges of a step tiered rate component till when the quantity is exhausted. It helps to improve the performance of the billing batches. If you set this option type to Y, always ensure that you define the price components with the tiering ranges in the ascending order.

    • N - Used when you want to determine the rate for all tiering ranges of a step tiered rate component.

    Note: If you do not specify the value for this option type, by default, it is set to N.
    Refund/Write-Off Flush Counter Used to specify the value for flush counter when the refund or write-off details are defined.

    You must specify a numeric value greater than zero.

    If the total number of refund or write-off records are equal to the flush counter, the system then performs a flush and clear at session level.

    Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This data is required when you are defining the refund or write-off details in the system.
    Skip Priceitem Contract Type Validation Used to indicate whether you want to skip the price item’s and billable charge’s contract’s contract type validation. The valid values are:
    • Y - Used when you want to create a billable charge for a price item on the contract which is created using a contract type to which the price item is not associated.

    • N - Used when you want to create a billable charge for a price item on the contract which is created using a contract type to which the price item is associated.

    Note: If you do not specify the value for this option type, by default, it is set to N.
    Trial Bill Characteristics Conversion Used to indicate whether you want to copy the trial bill’s characteristics when an actual bill is created using a trial bill. The valid values are:
    • Y

    • N

    Note: If you do not specify the value for this option type, by default, it is set to N.
  7. Enter the values for the required option types in the Feature Configuration screen.
  8. Click the Save button in the Page Title area.
    The changes made to the feature configuration are saved.