Health Product 360° View

Until now, you were able to add and edit the health products and health plans through a health product and plan inbound message. But, you were not able to view the details of a health product and health plan from the user interface. Now, Oracle Revenue Management and Billing provides the ability to view the details of a health product and health plan from the user interface. A new screen named Health Product 360° View is introduced in this release. It enables you to search for a health product or health plan using the respective details. You can navigate to the Health Product 360° View screen from the Pricing Management menu. Through the Health Product 360° View screen, you can navigate to the following new screens:

  • Health Product 360° Information – Enables you to view the details of the health product including its characteristics and health plans.

  • Health Plan 360° Information – Enables you to view the details of the health plan including its characteristics and pricing rules.

Parent topic: Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Insurance Business Processes