Freeze / Complete

The Freeze / Complete button performs a variety of functions:

  • all freezable bill segments (including rebills) become frozen
  • all pending cancel bill segments become canceled
  • all freezable adjustments whose adjustment type indicates Freeze At Bill Completion become frozen
  • the bill is finalized and marked for transmission to the customer

Refer to Bill Lifecycle for information about what happens during bill completion. Refer to Bill Segment Lifecycle for more information about freezing.

This button is enabled if:

  • the Freeze At Bill Completion Bill Segment Freeze Option on the installation option has been selected AND
  • the bill is pending AND
  • there are no bill segments or there are bill segments and all are freezable, pending cancel, frozen or canceled AND
  • there are no error or incomplete bill segments.

When clicked, the Complete window opens.

If the User May Override Bill Date option has been enabled on the Installation Record, you may override the Bill Date prior to completion. Otherwise, the Bill Date is the current date and cannot be changed. The current date defaults when the window opens.

Note: Freezing a day or more after generation. If, during freezing, bill segments in closed accounting periods are detected, a pop-up appears in which you can specify a new accounting date; this date is updated onto the offending bill segments. This will only happen if the accounting period closes before you freeze the bill segments (the accounting date is stamped on a bill segment when it's initially generated).

After specifying the parameter, click Calculate to freeze and complete the bill.