Step Boundaries Based On The Number Of Days Of Usage And The Region In Which The Customer Resides

Let us assume that you need to define rate for the following charges:

  • Monthly service charge: $10.00.
  • Charge $.0832 for the first "x" kWh. X is equal to the number of days in the billing period multiplied by a factor that varies depending on where the customer lives.
  • Charge $.1112 for the remaining kWh.
  • State Tax at the prevailing rate (this tax is a percentage of a dollar value).
  • County Use Tax at the prevailing rate (this tax is an amount per kilowatt hour).
The following table illustrates the rate components necessary to levy a simple rate for the above mentioned charges:
Seq # RC Type Value Type Value Bill Factor Item Type UOM/Variance Parameter/SQI Step Range Cross Reference Calc Only Result Type
10 Flat Charge Charge 10.00 N
20 Service Quantity Unit Rate BASEQTY DAYS Y Unit Rate
30 Service Quantity Unit Rate 0.0832 KWH 0 to 1 Multiply by RC: 20 N
40 Service Quantity Unit Rate 0.1112 KWH 1 to 99999999 Multiply by RC: 20 N
50 Summary 30, 40 N
60 Apply To Percent STTAX 10, 30, 40 N
70 Apply To Unit Rate COUNTYTAX 30, 40 N