Creating Input UI Map for an Approval Workflow Group

The system provides you with the ability to automatically generate an Input UI map, and associate it with the approval workflow group. Alternatively, you can create an Input UI map manually, and attach it to the approval workflow group.


To create an Input UI map manually:

  1. Click the Admin link in the Application toolbar.
    A list appears.
  2. From the Admin menu, select U and then click UI Map.
    A sub-menu appears.
  3. Click the Search option from the UI Map sub-menu.
    The UI Map screen appears.
  4. In the Main tab, enter the name and description of the Input UI map.
    Note: The system uses the CM_​<Approval Workflow Group Code>_​AppTxn_​Input naming convention while automatically generating an Input UI map. Therefore, do not use this naming convention while creating an Input UI map manually.
  5. Select Complete HTML Document from the UI Map Type list.
  6. Click the Schema tab.
    The Schema tab appears.
  7. Add the following schema in the Scheme Editor zone:
    <<Business Object Name> type="group">
    <includeBO name="<Business Object Name>"/>
    </<Business Object Name>>
    In the above schema, you must replace <Business Object Name> with the name of the business object. For example, if you want to create an Input UI map for account, you must use the following schema:
    <account type="group">
    <includeBO name="Account"/>

    The <approvalTransactionId/> tag is used in the schema to retrieve the approval transaction ID of the respective business object. The <action/> tag is used in the schema to retrieve the action performed by the submitter.

  8. Click the Save link in the Actions/Navigation area.
    The Display Only and Input Map buttons are enabled on the dashboard.
  9. Click the Input Map button.
    The HTML code is generated in the HTML Editor zone.
  10. Add the following tag in the head tag:
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"  src="code/approvalWorkflow.js"></script>
  11. Add the text highlighted in bold within the tag as shown below:
    <input onClick="performAction('<Approval Workflow Group Code>');" oraMdLabel="SAVE_BTN_LBL" class="oraButton" type="button">
    <input onClick="oraSubmitMap('CANCEL', false);" oraMdLabel="CANCEL_LBL" class="oraButton" type="button">

    In the above HTML code, you must replace <Approval Workflow Group Code> with the code of the approval workflow group for which you are creating a UI map.

  12. Click the Save link in the Actions/Navigation area.
    The changes are saved.

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