Setting the C1-REPORTVW Feature Configuration

You need to set the C1-REPORTVW feature configuration only when you are using the Apache FOP Reporting framework in ORMB. It enables you to define the following properties which were earlier derived from the file:

  • ouaf.runtime.billView.directoryPath

  • ouaf.runtime.reportView.directoryPath

  • ouaf.application.reportingDir


To set the C1-REPORTVW feature configuration:

  1. Login to Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Version
  2. Click the Admin link in the Application toolbar.
    A list appears.
  3. From the Admin menu, select F and then click Feature Configuration.
    A sub-menu appears.
  4. Click the Search option from the Feature Configuration sub-menu.
    The Feature Configuration Query screen appears.
  5. In the Feature Configuration Search zone, enter C1-REPORTVW in the Feature Name field.
    Note: ORMB search engine supports wildcard search, where you can substitute the percentage (%) symbol as a stand in for any word or letter in a search criteria. You can use the '%' wildcard character in all input fields except the date and ID fields. The '%' wildcard character is suffixed automatically at the end of the partial search criteria. Therefore, you may or may not specify the wildcard character at the end of the partial search criteria. However, you have to prefix the wildcard character manually wherever required.
  6. Click Search.
    A list of feature configurations that meet the search criteria appears in the search results.
  7. In the Search Results section, click the link in the Description column corresponding to the feature configuration whose details you want to edit.

    The Feature Configuration screen appears. It contains the following option types:

    Option Type Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Report Download HTTP URL Used to specify the HTTP servlet using which you want to download and view the FOP reports that are generated in the online mode. You must specify the URL in the following format:


    Note: You must override the default value as per the requirement.
    Report Generation (FOP) File Path Used to specify the directory or bucket where you want to store the FOP reports which are generated either from the user interface or through a batch process.

    If the application environment is an On Premise or Cloud Service environment, you can specify the directory name along with the following relative path:

    • @SHARED_​DIR - Used when you want to store the FOP reports in the shared directory on the server.

    For example, you can set the value to @SHARED_​DIR/output.

    However, if the application environment is a Cloud Service Premium Edition environment, you must specify the following information in the file-storage://<File Storage Extendable Lookup Value>/<Object Storage Bucket> format:

    • The file storage extendable lookup value from where the cloud storage compartment and connection details are retrieved while storing the FOP reports on OCI.

    • The bucket or container where you want the system to store the FOP reports which are generated in the different formats.


    By default, the value is set to @SHARED_​DIR/splapp/reporting/output. You must change the value as per the requirement.

    The shared directory variable (i.e. SHARED_​DIR) is case-sensitive.

    Report Generation XSL Template File Path Used to specify the directory or bucket from where the respective XSL file should be fetched while generating the FOP report.

    If the application environment is an On Premise or Cloud Service environment, you can specify the directory name along with the following relative path:

    • @SHARED_​DIR - Used when you want to fetch the XSL file from the shared directory on the server.

    For example, you can set the value to @SHARED_​DIR/xsl.

    However, if the application environment is a Cloud Service Premium Edition environment, you must specify the following information in the file-storage://<File Storage Extendable Lookup Value>/<Object Storage Bucket> format:

    • The file storage extendable lookup value from where the cloud storage compartment and connection details are retrieved while fetching the XSL file for an FOP report.

    • The bucket or container from where you want the system to fetch the XSL file while generating the FOP report.


    By default, the value is set to @SHARED_​DIR/splapp/reporting/xsl. You must change the value as per the requirement.

    The shared directory variable (i.e. SHARED_​DIR) is case-sensitive.

    Before generating an FOP report, you need to ensure that the XSL files are copied from the @INSTALL_​DIR/splapp/reporting/xsl directory to the specified shared directory.

    Report Generation XML Data File Path Used to specify the directory or bucket where you want to extract the data from the system in the XML format for an FOP report.

    If the application environment is an On Premise or Cloud Service environment, you can specify the directory name along with the following relative path:

    • @SHARED_​DIR - Used when you want to store the XML file in the shared directory on the server.

    For example, you can set the value to @SHARED_​DIR/extractxml.

    However, if the application environment is a Cloud Service Premium Edition environment, you must specify the following information in the file-storage://<File Storage Extendable Lookup Value>/<Object Storage Bucket> format:

    • The file storage extendable lookup value from where the cloud storage compartment and connection details are retrieved while storing the XML file on OCI.

    • The bucket or container where you want the system to store the XML file for an FOP report.


    By default, the value is set to @SHARED_​DIR/splapp/reporting/extractxml. You must change the value as per the requirement.

    The shared directory variable (i.e. SHARED_​DIR) is case-sensitive.

  8. Enter the values for the required option types in the Feature Configuration screen.
  9. Click the Save button in the Page Title area.
    The changes made to the feature configuration are saved.