Viewing the Details of a Level Funded Pricing Rule Defined for a Policy of a Bill Group


To view the details of a level funded pricing rule for a policy of a bill group:

  1. Search for a bill group in the Customer 360° View screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the View (The View Icon) icon corresponding to the bill group whose pricing details you want to view.
    The Person tab appears in the Customer 360° Information screen.
  3. Click the Pricing tab.
    The Pricing tab appears.
  4. Click the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon in the Bill Group ASO Policy Information zone, corresponding to the Bill Group Information column, whose bill group details you want to view.
    The Bill Group ASO Policy Pricing Rules zone appears.
  5. In the Bill Group ASO Policy Pricing Rules zone, click the link in the Pricing Rule Information column corresponding to the pricing rule type whose details you want to view.
    The Pricing Rule screen appears. It contains the following zone:
    • Level Funding - Displays the level funded pricing rule of a bill group. It contains the following sections:

      • Main - Displays basic details of the level funded pricing rule.

      • Accumulation Criteria - Displays the accumulation criteria defined for a bill group in the level funded pricing rule.

      • Pricing Information for rule type category : Claim - Displays the pricing information for the claim rule type category.

      • Pricing Information for rule type category : Ancillary - Displays the pricing information for an ancillary rule type category.

      • Pricing Information for rule type category : Discount - Displays the pricing information for the discount rule type category.

      • Pricing Information for rule type category : Retention - Displays the pricing information for the retention rule type category.

      • Final Settlement Rules - Displays the final settlement rules defined for the level funded pricing rule.

      • Characteristics - Displays the characteristics defined for the level funded pricing rule.

  6. View the basic details of the level funded pricing rule in the Main section.
  7. View the accumulation criteria defined for a bill group in the Accumulation Criteria section.
  8. View the pricing information for the claim rule type category in the Pricing Information for rule type category : Claim section.
  9. View the pricing information for ancillary rule type category in the Pricing Information for rule type category : Ancillary section.
  10. View the pricing information for discount rule type category in the Pricing Information for rule type category : Discount section.
  11. View the pricing information for retention rule type category in the Pricing Information for rule type category : Retention section.
  12. View the final settlement rules defined for the level funded pricing rule in the Final Settlement Rules section.
  13. View the characteristics of the level funded pricing rule in the Characteristics section.

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Customer 360° Information - Pricing tab Customer 360° Information - Pricing Information
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