Algorithm Types for Payment Cancellation System Event

Following algorithm types are available for the Payment Cancellation system event.

Algorithm Type Description Detailed Description
C1-BNDPYCNCL Binder Payment Cancellation Check Handler Algorithm This algorithm checks whether the cancelled payment is binder payment or not by verifying the payment characteristics. For more information, see
C1-CDPPAYCAN Continue Delinquency Process due to Cancelled Payments This algorithm resumes the cancelled delinquency processes during the payment cancellations. For more information, see
C1-NOTADCAN Notify Customer on Advance Deposit Cancelation This algorithm creates a customer contact when an advance deposit payment is cancelled. For more information, see
C1-PXPTDCAL Paid Through Date Calculation for Payment Cancellation This algorithm will be responsible for calculating and stamping paid through date in Policy and Membership tables based on parameter specified. For more information, see
C1-RODPDUEPX Reopen Delinquency Process due to Cancelled Payments This algorithm checks for any Delinquency Process related to the FTs matched to the cancelled Payment. For more information, see
C1-VALMRPYCN Validate Member Reconciliation Payment Cancellation This algorithm transits reconciliation status which is in open/complete status to the pending cancellation status if related tender is cancelled. For more information, see
PYCN-EMPTY An empty sample algorithm for payment cancellation This is a payment cancellation algorithm, however it does not perform any logic. It exists simply as a sample algorithm available to implementers to use as a base for creating an actual payment cancellation algorithm. For more information, see