Viewing the Terms and Conditions Associated with a Hierarchy Entity


To view the terms and conditions associated with a hierarchy entity:

  1. Search for the hierarchy entity in the Mapping Terms and Conditions screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the View button in the View column corresponding to the hierarchy entitywhose terms and conditions you want to view.

    The Mapping Terms and Conditions screen appears. It contains the following two sections:

    • Main - Indicates the hierarchy entity or price item to which the terms and conditions are associated. It contains the following field:

      Field Name Field Description
      Price Item Displays the price item.
      Note: This field appears when you are viewing the terms and conditions associated with a price item.
      Hierarchy Entity Displays the hierarchy entity.
      Note: This field appears when you are viewing the terms and conditions associated with a hierarchy entity.
    • Terms and Conditions - Lists the terms and conditions associated with the hierarchy entity or price item. It contains the following columns in a gird:

      Column Name Column Description
      Terms and Conditions Indicates the terms and conditions associated with the hierarchy entity or price item
      Default Indicates whether the terms and conditions of the hierarchy entity or price item should be defaulted in a deal. The valid values are:
      • Yes

      • No

  3. View the terms and conditions associated with the hierarchy entity in the Terms and Conditions section.

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