Get kitchen display system details



Get all the Kitchen Display System details for a specified location and business date.


Path Parameters
Body ()
The request body defines the details of the API request.
Root Schema : kdsRequestPayload
Type: object
Request payload
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  • Title: Application Name
    Maximum Length: 128
    The name of the application which is accessing the API.

    First Available Version: 20.1.10

  • Title: Business Date
    The business date associated with the cash management detail
  • Title: Include
    Maximum Length: 2000
    List of objects to include in response
  • Title: Location Reference
    Maximum Length: 99
    The location reference, this may be a store number or name depending on the organization
  • Title: Search Criteria
    Maximum Length: 2000
    Search criteria to filter results based on field value
  • Report all Kitchen Display System transaction activity that has occurred since this UTC date and time for the specified business date.If this object is not included, return all Kitchen Display System transaction activity for the specified business date
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : kdsDetails
Type: object
The response body contains information about the Kitchen Performance for the specified location.
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Nested Schema : revenueCenters
Type: array
An array of kitchen display orders
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Nested Schema : kdsOrdersByRVC
Type: object
The response body contains KDS Orders information about a revenue center for the specified location.
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  • orders
    An array of KDS orders for a revenue center. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null
  • Title: Revenue Center Number
    Maximum Length: 10
    Revenue Center number. This attribute will not be returned in the response if orders is null
Nested Schema : orders
Type: array
An array of KDS orders for a revenue center. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null
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Nested Schema : kdsOrder
Type: object
The response body contains KDS Order about a revenue center for the specified location.
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Nested Schema : subOrders
Type: array
An array of KDS suborders for a KDS order
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Nested Schema : kdsSubOrder
Type: object
The response body contains KDS Sub-Order about a revenue center for the specified location.
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400 Response

Bad Request
Body ()
Root Schema : exceptionDetailType
Type: object
Error details
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401 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : exceptionDetailType
Type: object
Error details
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403 Response

Service Unavailable
Body ()
Root Schema : exceptionDetailType
Type: object
Error details
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404 Response

Resource Not Found
Body ()
Root Schema : exceptionDetailType
Type: object
Error details
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Default Response

Unexpected Error
Body ()
Root Schema : exceptionDetailType
Type: object
Error details
Show Source
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The following example shows how to view the Kitchen performance for a specified location & business date by submitting a POST request on the REST resource using cURL. For more information, see Use cURL

curl -i -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer 
   " -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d {"locRef":"1234","busDt":"2020-10-20"} https://baseurl/bi/v1/orgidentifier/getKDSDetails 

Example of Response Header

The following shows an example of the response header.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK  Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2020 21:24:33 GMT  Transfer-Encoding: chunked  Content-Type: application/json

Example of Response Body

The following example shows the contents of the response body in JSON format:

 "curUTC": "2019-07-20T17:59:59",
 "locRef": "1234",
 "busDt": "2020-07-20",
  "rvcNum": 1372,
   "guestCheckId": 137243,
   "stationName": "Station 1",
   "startTime": "2019-07-20T15:59:59",
   "startTimeUTC": "2019-07-20T14:59:59",
   "startTimeLcl": "2019-07-20T10:59:59",
   "serviceRoundNum": 1,
   "prepTimeInSecs": 1234,
   "isAppetizerFlag": false,
   "menuItemCount": 5,
   "recallCount": 1,
   "highPriorityFlag": true,
    "subOrderId": 123,
    "miDefSeq": 1,
    "miNum": 123,
    "postTimeUTC": "2019-07-20T14:59:59",
    "postTimeLcl": "2019-07-20T10:59:59",
    "actualPrepTimeInSecs": 123,
    "miPrepTimeInSecs": 123,
    "miMod": "Menu Item Modifier"
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