Get payment transaction details



First Available Version: 20.1.11

Gets payment transaction records for the given business date and location. This API only returns data for customers using Oracle MICROS Payment Cloud Service.


Path Parameters
Body ()
The request body defines the details of the API request.
Root Schema : paymentTransactionsPayload
Type: object
Request payload for payment transaction details
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : paymentTransactionsDimensions
Type: object
The response body contains information about the payment transactions.
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Nested Schema : accounts
Type: array
An array of accounts
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Nested Schema : paymentTransactionsAccounts
Type: object
The response body contains information about the payment transactions.
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Nested Schema : revenueCenters
Type: array
An array of revenue centers
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Nested Schema : paymentTransactionsRevenueCenters
Type: object
The response body contains information about the account holder.
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Nested Schema : transactions
Type: array
An array of transactions
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Nested Schema : paymentTransactionsTransactions
Type: object
The response body contains information about the account holder.
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  • Title: Authorization code
    Maximum Length: 30
    Authorization code issued by the Payment Service Provider (PSP)
  • Title: Payment card alias
    Maximum Length: 64
    A value that can be used to uniquely identify the payment card used. It cannot be used for card payments
  • Title: Is card present
    Boolean flag indicating if the card was present while making the payment
  • Title: Check number
    Maximum Length: 10
    Check number
  • Title: Employee number
    Maximum Length: 16
    Employee number of the transaction employee, can be used to lookup from getEmployeeDimensions
  • Title: Entry mode number
    Maximum Length: 3
    Return a numeric representation of the entry mode of the payment transaction. Following are possible values and their description:

    Entry Mode Enumeration:
    Entry ModeEntry Mode Description
    0EMV Fallback
    1Swiping without PIN (Backwards compatibility 6.1)
    2Manual enter card number (Backwards compatibility 6.1)
    3Swiping with PIN (Backwards compatibility 6.1)
    4EMV without PIN (Backwards compatibility 6.1)
    5EMV with offline PIN (Backwards compatibility 6.1)
    6EMV with on line PIN (Backwards compatibility 6.1)
    7Proximity via Magnetic Stripe (Backwards compatibility 6.1)
    8Proximity via ICC
    10EMV Fallback (Signature Verification)
    11Proximity via Magnetic Stripe (Signature Verification)
    12Proximity via Magnetic Stripe (No CVM)
    13Proximity via ICC (Signature Verification)
    14Proximity via ICC (PIN Verification)
    15Proximity via ICC (Customer Device Verified)
    16Proximity via ICC (No CVM)
    17Swiping without PIN (Signature Verification)
    18Swiping with PIN (PIN Verification)
    19Swiping (No CVM )
    20Manual enter card number (Signature Verification)
    21Manual enter card number (No CVM)
    22EMV (Signature Verification)
    23EMV (PIN Verification)
    24EMV (PIN & Signature Verification)
    25EMV (No CVM)
    26E-Wallet Payment
    27Saved Card Token (No CVM)
  • Title: Unique identifier of the guest check
    Maximum Length: 16
    Unique odentifier of the guest check
  • Title: Guest check line item
    Maximum Length: 16
    Unique identifier of the guest check line item
  • Title: Modification reference provided by the PSP
    Maximum Length: 80
    This is the modification reference provided by the PSP, a unique ID that identifies the modification request, if applicable.
  • Title: Is offline flag
    Flag maintained to identify offline status
  • Title: The payments posting UTC date and time
    The payments posting UTC date and time
  • Title: Type of the payment
    Maximum Length: 30
    Type of the payment. Possible values: PAY, VOID, CANCEL, REFUND, ADJUSTMENT
  • Title: Reference identifying the transaction
    Maximum Length: 64
    Reference identifying the transaction, issued by Payment Service Provider (PSP)
  • Title: The R&A posting UTC date and time
    The R&A posting UTC date and time
  • Title: Reference retrieval Number
    Maximum Length: 32
    Reference retrieval number issued by Payment Service Provider (PSP)
  • Title: Unique transaction identifier
    Maximum Length: 12
    Unique transaction identifier issued by Simphony Payment Interface (SPI)
  • Title: Payment terminal identifier issued by Payment Service Provider (PSP)
    Maximum Length: 99
    Payment terminal identifier issued by Payment Service Provider (PSP)
  • Title: Tip amount of the transactiont
    Tip amount of the transaction
  • Title: Tender media number
    Maximum Length: 16
    Tender media number, can be used to lookup from getTenderMediaDimensions
  • Title: Payment amount
    Total authorized transaction amount of the payment
  • Title: The transaction local store date and time
    The transaction local store date and time
  • Title: The transaction UTC date and time
    The transaction UTC date and time
  • Title: Workstation number
    Maximum Length: 16
    Workstation number, can be used to lookup from getLocationDimensions

400 Response

Bad Request
Body ()
Root Schema : exceptionDetailType
Type: object
Error details
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401 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : exceptionDetailType
Type: object
Error details
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403 Response

Service Unavailable
Body ()
Root Schema : exceptionDetailType
Type: object
Error details
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404 Response

Resource Not Found
Body ()
Root Schema : exceptionDetailType
Type: object
Error details
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Default Response

Unexpected Error
Body ()
Root Schema : exceptionDetailType
Type: object
Error details
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The following example shows how to get the payment account holder details by submitting a POST request on the REST resource using cURL. For more information, see Use cURL

curl -i -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer 
   " -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d  https://baseurl/bi/v1/orgidentifier/getPaymentTransactions 

Example of Response Header

The following shows an example of the response header.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK  Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2020 21:24:33 GMT  Transfer-Encoding: chunked  Content-Type: application/json

Example of Response Body

The following example shows the contents of the response body in JSON format:

 "busDt": "2020-10-20",
 "locRef: "1234",
 "curUTC: "122020-10-20T12:10:0034",
   "acctCode": "8516212653197782",
     "rvcNum": 123,
       "pspRef": "8836251672789792",
       "checkNum": 1234,
       "guestCheckID":  123654,
       "guestCheckLineItemId": 123,
       "transAmt": 2.5,
       "tipAmt": 2,
       "transUTC": "2020-10-20T12:10:00",
       "transLcl": "2020-10-20T15:10:00",
       "pmntType": "PAY",
       "tmedNum": "1234",
       "seqNum": "210217292426",
       "wsNum": 12345,
       "empNum": 54321,
       "terminalID": "01234567",
       "entryMode": 16,
       "cardPresentFlag": 1,
       "authCode": "654abc",
       "cardAlias": "1234567",
       "offlineFlag": 0,
       "raPostUTC": "2020-10-20T12:12:00",
       "payPostUTC": "2020-10-20T12:12:00",
       "rrn": "abcdef123456789",
       "modPspRef": "8036251672851715"
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