Send Requests

Follow these guidelines when sending requests with the Business Intelligence API.

Required Information

The following information is needed for successful authentication and successful requests to the APIs.


To see a larger version of an image in the table, right-click the image and open it in a new browser tab.
Information Location Set by Example

Authentication Server URL

(This is the rest_server for the authentication APIs)

  • API account password reset confirmation email.

  • API account dialog: click the side menu, click Administration, click System, click API Accounts, click Edit, and then view the Authentication Server.


Screenshot of the password reset email with a red box around the authentication server.

Screenshot of the authentication server in a red box on right side of the image.

Application Server URL

(This is the rest_server for the Business Intelligence data APIs)

In the browser, after logging into Reporting and Analytics (without the /portal suffix).


Screenshot of the web browser for Reporting and Analytics. The application server URL is in a red box at the top of the page.

User Name

  • API account welcome and password reset confirmation emails.

  • API account dialog: click the side menu, click Administration, click System, click API Accounts, click Edit, and then view the user name.


Screenshot of the password reset email with a red box around the user name.

Screenshot of the user name in a red box on left side of the image.

Client ID

API account dialog: click the side menu, click Administration, click System, click API Accounts, click Edit, and then view the Client ID.


Screenshot of the Client ID in a red box on right side of the image.


  • Can't be looked up.

  • Can be reset from the sign in page by clicking Can’t sign in? and then following the instructions.

You can't use the BI API account to sign in to Reporting and Analytics.


Screenshot of the sign in page with “Can’t sign in?” in a red box towards the bottom.

Enterprise Shortname

(This is used as the orgIdentifier in the BI data APIs)

  • API account welcome and password reset confirmation emails.

  • After logging in to Reporting and Analytics, top left corner, three-character value in parenthesis.


Screenshot of the password reset email with a red box around the enterprise shortname in the middle.

Screenshot of the web browser for Reporting and Analytics. The enterprise shortname is in a red box in the middle of the page.

Location Reference

(locRef needed as request parameter in almost all BI data APIs)

getLocationsDimentions API returns a list of all locations within the enterprise, it includes the locRef information.

Oracle, partner, or customer

Red boxes around different locref examples.

URL Structure

Use the following URL structure to access the Business Intelligence API endpoints:


  • endpoint-path is the relative path that defines the REST resource. For a complete list of REST endpoints, see the Tasks section in this REST API document.

  • rest_server is the REST server to contact for your API account.

    • For the Authentication APIs, the rest_server is the Authentication Server as mentioned in the API account activation email or API account details screen. This URL is specific to your cloud environment.


    • For the Business Intelligence data APIs, the rest_server is the same as the domain used for Reporting and Analytics once logged in. This URL is specific to your cloud environment.


Request Methods

You can perform query operations on a resource by using standard HTTP method requests, as summarized in the following table.

HTTP Method Description

Get sales and operations totals, point of sale definitions, cash management, kitchen performance, employee performance, fiscal transactions, and control totals.

Request Media Types

Unless specified otherwise, the Oracle MICROS Business Intelligence REST API supports application/json.


The Business Intelligence REST API supports headers that can be passed in the header section of an HTTP request or response.

Header Description and Example


Media type for the response body. Unless an operation specifies otherwise, the type is application/json.

Example: Accept:application/json


Media type of the request body. Required for POST requests.

The following content types are used in the APIs:
  • API requests: Content-Type:application/json

  • Sign In request: Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded


All API operations require an OAuth 2.0 based <id_token> for authentication purposes.
  • Bearer <id_token>

Access tokens are long strings. The following example has been truncated:
  • Bearer eyJ4NXQjUzI1Ni......VkdVAZrb_fw

You obtain the access token by using the Authentication service token URL with a client ID, authorization code, code verifier, an appropriate scope, and grant type.

See Authenticate.

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