Setting Up Round Robin (Unique Purchases) Loyalty Programs

A round robin loyalty program awards customers with loyalty points for purchasing items for the first time, or for the first time within a limited timeframe.

For example, a bar might have a menu with 100 types of craft beers, and offers a challenge for customers to drink every beer on the menu. The bar can set up a round robin loyalty program that awards a point whenever a customer purchases a beer for the first time. The loyalty program can then be set up with the following tiered loyalty awards:
  • 10 points: free entrĂ©e.

  • 25 points: $10 gift card.

  • 50 points: $20 gift card, free meal of up to $25.

  • 75 points: $30 gift card.

  • 100 points: $50 gift card, placard with name and date of achievement on store wall.

This program requires Oracle MICROS Simphony or Oracle MICROS RES 3700 with SVC or later.

  1. Create an eligibility rule for the round robin loyalty items. Eligibility Rule Configuration Reference contains more information about eligibility rules.
    1. Create a Use with Loyalty Rule eligibility rule.
    2. Select the Num Items in Transaction item rule type, and then enter 1 as the Item Quantity.
    3. Select Item must be unique.
    4. In the Unique Item Expiration Method drop-down list, select whether customers can earn points for purchasing an item again. For example, you can configure the program to reset points after two years, or you can configure the program to accept purchases again after one year. You can define the time interval using Period Type and Number of Periods
      • Never Expire: the program does not allow items to count for another point for the lifetime of the account.

      • Expire items after x periods: the program allows an item purchase to earn a point after a defined amount of time has elapsed since its purchase date.

      • Expire items after x rolling periods: the program allows an item purchase to earn a point after a defined number of time periods has elapsed since the period in which the item was purchased.

      • Reset all items after x periods: the program allows all item purchases to earn a point after a defined amount of time has elapsed since the first item was purchased.

      • Reset all items after x rolling periods: the program allows all item purchases to earn a point after a defined amount of time periods has elapsed since the period in which the first item was purchased.

    5. Enter the maximum number of unique items in Max Saved Unique Items per Account. If this configuration is not set or is set to a significantly greater value than necessary, workstations can experience performance degradation when processing transactions.
    6. Click Save, select the eligibility rule, click Edit Item Rules, and then configure the list of items that count toward this program.

      The round robin program uses Reporting and Analytics End-of-Day posting, item alignment, and Gift and Loyalty sync jobs to align and update items. It can take up to a full calendar day for Gift and Loyalty to show new menu items.

    7. Click Edit Time Rules to configure a time restriction on the program. For example, you can configure the program to run for two years, or you can omit Happy Hour times.
  2. Create a loyalty rule for the program. Loyalty Rule Configuration Reference contains more information about loyalty rules.
    1. Create a Points Issue Rule loyalty rule, and then select the Eligibility Rule you created.
    2. Click the Points tab.
    3. Select Number of unique selected items from the Point Calc Method Type drop-down list, and then enter the number of points to award for each item in Point Factor.
  3. Configure a loyalty award rule. You can use tiered loyalty awards.
  4. Set up the loyalty program. Loyalty Programs Configuration Reference contains more information about setting up the program.
    1. Create a Loyalty program.
    2. On the Loyalty Programs tab, select Auto Create Loyalty Accounts to allow Gift and Loyalty to create a loyalty account for a customer being issued points for the first time. Do not select the option if you want to require customers create an account prior to the transaction.
    3. Select the Default Award Program from the drop-down list.
  5. Set up the card accounts for the loyalty program:
    1. Create the card rules depending on whether you are using Oracle MICROS Gift and Loyalty iCards or a third-party card:
    2. Assign one or more card rules to the program and specify the applicable locations.
    3. Create card numbers for the program and card rule, and then have the cards printed.
  6. Configure the Point Issue and Unique Item Inquiry touchscreen keys, and then add them to the Point-of-Sale screens. Configuring Point-of-Sale Touchscreen Keys contains more information about the Point-of-Sale touchscreen keys.
  7. If the loyalty program is for specific items, configure the following database sync jobs. Scheduling Database Synchronization contains instructions for configuring sync jobs.
    • Sync Menu Items

    • Sync Menu Item Masters

    • Sync Family Groups

    • Sync Family Group Masters

    • Sync Major Groups

    • Sync Major Group Masters

    • Unique Items Sync