Export and Book Orders

Version 18.1 and later on the HHT includes a new option to Export and Book the order from the order document and also from the Order tab. The screenshots below show this new option.

Screenshot of the mobile solutions screen with the Export and Book option shown.

Screenshot of the Orders page in mobile solutions with the Export and Book option shown.

The message Order export was successful appears with a green bar at the top of the screen if successful.

The order is uploaded to the cloud and deleted from the local device. If you want to review or edit the order, click Import and view Order Details to download the order back to your device.

Click Book to place the order and send to the vendor.
  • If the order can’t be booked, check the delivery date which must be a date in the future.

  • Other booking errors will explain the exact issue.

  • Before orders are sent with the automation service, you can view them in the Open Purchase Orders page.

Click Cancel to suspend the order and return to the purchase order overview page.

Screenshot of the mobile solutions page with the message: Order export was successful.

Screenshot of the Open Purchase Orders option from the Ordering page.