Dashboard Types

Swipe the screen horizontally to switch between dashboard types in the following order:

This is an image of a screenshot showing how to swipe.

  1. Sales: Net sales or Sales Net VAT, depending on how the organization is configured.
  2. Labor Cost: Percentage of labor costs relative to net sales. This view is not available if you are using Oracle MICROS e7 or 9700.
  3. Sales per Labor Hour: Amount of sales per labor hour. This view is not available if you are using Oracle MICROS e7 or 9700.
  4. Discount as a % of Sales: Percentage amount of discounts relative to net sales.
  5. Check Count: Number of checks. Dashboard also shows the average total of each check.
  6. Guest Count: Number of guests. Dashboard also shows the average amount spent by each guest.
  7. Average Ticket Time: The average amount of time checks are in the kitchen. The current value uses Kitchen Display System (KDS) tracking group data if it is posted by the location, or determines the average time checks are in the kitchen by calculating prep time by check. This view is not available if your location does not post KDS details.

    This image shows a blinking dot that shows the most recently posted transaction. The blinking dot represents the most recently posted transaction and is shown on the same hour mark for all graphs to help indicate the time for current data.

    This image shows a data bar. On the Labor Cost and the Discount as a % of Sales views, the usage of percentages instead of whole numbers can result in outliers that skew the y-axis. The view clips the bars at a designated threshold to allow all data to be shown.