8 Issue Requests

Issue Requests work hand in hand with the Transfers module. The idea of an Issue Requests is that one store can request products from another store and have an accurate record of the transaction.

The following is an example of how the Issue Requests and Transfers modules work together when both cost centers have system administrator level user rights.

Store A requests product from store B using Inventory Management:
  1. Once store A clicks Book in the Issue Requests module, store A can view the request as Not Booked | Requested in the Issue Requests module. When store B wants to view the status of the transfer, store B opens the Transfer module and sets the filters to show Not Booked | Requested. That is the status of the order from store B’s point of view.

  2. Store B goes into the transfer request from store A and books it. At this point in store B, it appears in the Transfers module as Not Booked | Delivered, and in store A it shows in the Issue Requests module as Not Booked | Delivered.

  3. Store A then has to go into Issue Requests and open the delivered request and accept or decline the transfer. Once they accept it, it goes to Issue Requests Booked in store A and to Transfers Booked for store B. This is when stock depletion takes place in the system. If store A declined the transfer, it appears in the Not Booked | Declined under Issue Requests for store A and under Transfers for Store B.

In the scenario above, Step 1 can be skipped if store A elects to contact store B in an alternate manner, such as calling them on the telephone. In the event of that, store B would create a Transfer.

For Step 3, depending on the user rights, the option to accept or decline might not be available. In this case, once the issue request is booked in Transfers, the status changes to Booked if a user is unable to decline a transfer. If the transfer cannot be declined, accepting the transfer is automatic.