13 Stock on Hand

Stock on Hand provides you access to current stock on hand levels. Filtering tools allow you to view items below ideal par levels, items classified as expense, inactive items, and negative balance items (due to recipe errors or missing receipts).

Oracle MICROS recommends setting up and creating store units for all items. If there is no store unit for an item, it appears in its base unit in stock on hand. Creating store units reduces calculation errors.

Stock on Hand shows the following information in columns:

Table 13-1 Stock on Hand Information

Column Name Description

Item No.

This column shows the item number.


This column shows the item name.


This column shows the unit of measure for the item, base or store.


This column shows the current stock on hand for the item.


This column shows the purchase price of a single item.


This column shows the total purchase price for all items in the row.


This column shows the minimum level of the item before reorder. This is only used with PAR Suggested Order Calculations.

PAR Level

This column shows the minimum quantity of an item stocked, which will be automatically reordered, should the level fall below a preset level.


This column shows the maximum quantity set for the item.