20 Yield Management

Yield Management gives you the ability to break one item into multiple parts, and assign those multiple parts accordingly, as either waste or product. For example, an establishment receives lettuce in 1 pound heads and shreds it in house. The 1 pound head of lettuce has 12 ounces of usable lettuce and a 4 ounces stem. The 12 ounces of usable lettuce is shredded and the 4 ounces of stem is assigned as waste. Therefore, that 1 pound head of lettuce yielded two separate parts: shredded and waste.

To use this feature, you must first enable it from the cost center, see Creating a New Cost Center for details. Then, define the main item used for the automatic yield by selecting Use as Base Item in Automatic Yield for the item. See Creating a New Item for more details. You can then follow the instructions in this chapter to create a yield from a list or you can create a blank yield.