Production User/Role Rights

The following table provides an overview of privileges available for the Production module group.

Table 26-4 Production User/Role Rights

Sub Category Right Allows Users to...



Access the Recipes page.

Save Recipes

Create and modify recipes.

Manage Recipes

Add and modify recipes.

Manage Corporate Recipes

Manage corporate recipes.

IP Product creation from recipes

Create IP Products from recipes with the Production Item button.

Show COS of Recipes

View the recipe Cost of Sales.

Show Recipe History/Audit Trail

Access the Recipe History or the Audit Trail (if enabled).

Recipe - Allow editing manual nutrients

Enter nutrients manually into the recipe.

Edit Recipe Nutrient Status

Edit the recipe nutrient status.

Recipe Versions

Recipe Versions

Read-only access to Recipe Versions.

Save Recipe Versions

Create and update Recipe Versions.

Update Recipe with Recipe Version

Replace Recipe with Recipe Version.

Search Recipe Components

Search for Recipe Components

Access the Search Recipe Components feature.

Replace Items

Replace items in the Search Recipe Components page.

Menu Modeling

Menu Modeling

Access the Menu Modeling page.

Update Recipes

Edit/save recipes changes.

Event Menu Planning

Event Menu Planning

Access the Event Menu Planning page.

Save Event Menu Plan

Save event menu plans.

Add/Delete Items to an Event Menu Plan Document

Add/delete items to event menu plans.

Preparation Types

Save Preparation Types

Set up new preparation types and change existing preparation types.


Nutrient Groups

Access the Nutrient Groups page.


Access the Nutrients module.

Import Nutrient Catalog

Access the Nutrient Catalog page and gives the ability to import/update a catalog.

Delete Nutrient Catalog

Delete an imported nutrient catalog.

Additive Groups

Access the Additive Groups page.

Additive Management

Access the Additive Management page.

Menu Item Linking

Menu Item Linking

Access the Menu Item Linking page and to edit Linking. This right also enables the Linking tab in the Recipes module.



Access the Production page.

Change Cost Center from List in Productions

Change the cost center in a Production from a list.

Preparation and Thaw Pull Reporting

Access Preparation and Thaw Pull reporting.

POS Systems

Read/Book POS Revenue

Access the Read/Book POS Revenue module.

Manage POS Revenue

Access the Manage POS Revenue module.

POS Device

Access the POS Device module.

Yield Management

Yield Containers

View, add, and modify yield containers.

Yield Management

Access the Yield Management page.

Add/Delete Item(s) from Yield Document

Add/edit a yield document.