Accepting Price Variances

If the price varies between the vendor’s item catalog and the vendor purchase item within the system, you can choose to use your prices for the invoices or the prices provided by the vendor. If you are using the prices provided by the vendor, you need to accept the vendor’s prices.

  1. Click Ordering, and then click B2B Solutions.
  2. In the Price Variances column, click the link adjacent to the appropriate vendor.
  3. Select the items whose price variances you want to accept, and then click Accept Price(s).


    You can complete the process manually if the Scheduler job is not configured for this or if you want to complete before the job runs. Click LOAD to create an internal job for either catalogs, invoices, or order cycles. The Price Variances column shows records that must be addressed if the price in the transmitted document that does not match the recorded price. The Unlinked Items column shows records that must be linked to Vendor Purchase Items. The Invoices column shows documents that can’t be booked due to unlinked items or price variances, which will be noted as Invoice(s) in Buffer, which you can click and then click Process to import the document.

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