Linking Vendor Purchase Items (VPIs)

You must link items from the vendor to purchase items already in the system. Inventory Management can automatically link items from a vendor catalog to VPIs where matching vendor numbers are identified. You can also choose to manually link items to VPIs. Items already linked can be linked to other VPIs.

  1. Click Ordering, and then click B2B Solutions.
  2. In the Unlinked Items column, click the link adjacent to the appropriate vendor name.

    After a vendor item catalog is uploaded into the system, the B2B Overview page shows the number of unlinked items in the Unlinked Items column.

  3. In the Actions column, click Link adjacent to the item you want to link to purchase items.
    If the vendor purchase item is not yet linked to any item, you can either click Create Item to create a new stock item and link to this record or Create VPI to create a record in the Vendor Purchase Catalog and link to this record.
  4. To manually link the item:
    1. Select Show All VPIs, and then search for and select the appropriate VPI.
    2. Click Link.
    3. If you want to remove an existing link, click Unlink.
  5. To automatically link the item, click Auto Link Items from the top menu bar, and then click OK to confirm.
    You can also link by navigating to Master Data, clicking Vendor Purchase Catalog, and then clicking Link next to vendor item.

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