Assigning Advanced Storage Locations to Items

  1. Click Store, and then click Manage Store.
  2. Click Storage Locations, and then use the filters to find the items you want to assign.
  3. In the appropriate Slot [number] column, click the Storage Location field adjacent to the item, and then select the storage location.

    Leave room between slot numbers. If you use every number (1 through 10) and then you get a new item in slot 3, you have to change all of the numbers 2 and up. Instead, Oracle recommends creating slot numbers with spaces; for example, 10, 20, 30, 40, and so on. Then, when you need to add a new item, it can be designated slot 15 or slot 22.

  4. Enter the Sort number for the item, and then enter the Bin number for the item.
  5. To assign the item to another storage location, repeat Steps 3 through 4.
  6. Click Save.