Configuring External Payroll ID

When an employee is created, you can configure the system to let you assign an External Payroll ID.
  1. To enable the External Payroll ID option:
    1. In Reporting and Analytics, click the side navigation menu, click Labor Management,  click Human Resources, click Admin, and then click Organization Configuration.
    2. Select Allow User Defined Payroll ID.


      Optionally, also select Enforce User Defined Payroll ID Uniqueness by Organization which lets you update the external payroll ID from Labor Management.
    3. Click Save.
  2. Before enabling Simphony to use the External Payroll ID as the object number:
    • Confirm that all transactions have posted from all locations.

    • Confirm that all the existing External Payroll IDs meet the guidelines defined in step 5. If there are existing records that do not meet the guidelines, the system does not let you enable the feature. To update existing external payroll IDs, follow the note in step 1.

  3. To enable Simphony to use the External Payroll ID as the object number:
    1. In Reporting and Analytics, click the side navigation menu, click Labor Management, click Human Resources, click Admin, and then click Organization Configuration.
    2. Select Use External Payroll ID As Object Number.
    3. Click Save.
  4. Depending on which release number you have, follow one of these options:
    • If your release number is 20.1.14 or earlier, in Reporting and Analytics, click the side navigation menu, click Labor Management, click Human Resources, click Employee, and then click General.
    • If your release number is 20.1.15 or later, in Reporting and Analytics, click the side navigation menu, click People, click the person, click Manage Employment Information, and then click General.
  5. In the External Payroll ID field, enter an ID. Keep the following guidelines in mind when entering the ID:
    • It must be unique across the entire organization.

    • It must be a numeric value in the range of 1 - 999,999,999.

    • It can't be created with a null value.

    • You can't change the value after it's assigned.