Assigning Work Hour Restrictions and Setting Store Hours

  1. In Reporting and Analytics, click the side navigation menu, click Labor Management, click Payroll Preprocessing, click Admin, and then click Location Assignment.
  2. Select the configured Work Rules from the drop-down to assign the work hour restrictions.
  3. To share employees with a location, select a location from the Labor Share Level drop-down.
  4. Select the day of the week that a work week begins from the Labor Week Start Day drop-down.
  5. To override the day of the week that scheduling begins, select a day from the Schedule Week Start Day drop-down.
  6. To override the day of the week that forecasting begins, select the day from the Forecast Week Start Day drop-down.
  7. Select the time that the location begins a work day from the Start Business Day Fixed Period drop-down list.
  8. To override the store work hours configuration, select the configured Store Work Hours from the drop-down.
  9. Select the hour at which each work day begins from the Start Labor Hour drop-down.
  10. If the store is used as a beta test site, select Beta Store.
  11. In the Start Labor Grace Minutes field, define the number of minutes that an employee may clock in prior to the Start Labor Hour without allocating the time punch to the Clock-in Labor Date.
    As an example, the time punch allocation method chosen in the Labor Pay Rule has been set to allocate the hours of a time punch to the clock-in labor date. The Start Labor Hour is 6:00 a.m. and the employee clocks in from 5:50 a.m. to 10:50 a.m. If the you do not define the Start Labor Grace Minutes, then all 5 hours are allocated to the first labor date, rather than the second labor date starting after 6:00 a.m. If you set the Start Labor Grace Minutes to 15, then the 5 hours worked are allocated to the second labor date starting after 6:00 a.m. As a best practice, define a value when the allocation method in the Labor Pay Rules is set to use Clock-In Labor Dates.
  12. If the Enterprise Time Clock application is installed, you can verify the version in the Currently Installed Time Clock Version field.
  13. Click Save.