Export Status Notification

You can proactively monitor the status of self-service exports by enabling email notifications to one or more people.

Emails are sent at the target time of the scheduled export, and if not all locations are completed at that time, another email is sent when all locations are complete. You may receive more than one email per schedule per day.

A PDF file is attached to the email and includes an export status summary and details that help you identify the root causes of delays or failures. The attached document includes:
  • A summary section with name, schedule time, target time, and summary by export status.

  • Schedule details by location with information including export status, failure details, start/end times, file size, and last successful run.

  • Location details with last completed business date, last business date change date and time, last move history date and time, and all transaction posted times.

  • Color coding for several fields allows you to quickly identify anomalies.
    • Delivered exports are green, failed exports are red, and all other export statuses are orange.

    • If an export has a file size more than 10% higher or lower than the average file size over the last seven scheduled executions, then it is red, indicating a data anomaly.

    • Exports with a processing time of 1 minute or more are orange. Those longer than 15 minutes are red and require a review of the export configuration and the queries for each step.

Email Triggers

For each export schedule, either one or two emails are sent out. Only one email is sent as soon as all exports are completed prior to the schedule's target time. Two emails are sent if not all locations are completed prior to the target time. In this case a status email is sent at the configured target time and then another notification once the last location has finished. For schedules with an end of day trigger condition, the email is sent as soon as the last locations are complete within the 6-hour scheduling window.

For real-time exports, the email is triggered at the configured target time.

The subject line of the email is designed to convey a high-level status of the export schedule. For real-time exports, it includes the total number of successful exports in the last 24 hours. For all other recurrence types, it includes the number of successful exports and the total number of scheduled exports. The subject line of the email may be one of these two options:
  • For daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, financial week, or financial period exports, the subject line is:

    <Schedule Name>:  n of n successful (for <exported business date or business date range>).
    • For example: Standard GL Export: 27 of 27 successful (for 12/1/22)

  • For real-time exports, the subject line is:

    <Schedule Name>:  n successful in the last 24 hours (for <exported business date>).
    • For example: Real-time Transactions: 96 successful in the last 24 hours (for 12/1/22)

Email Body

The email body includes additional summarized status information. It includes the schedule name as well as the number of exports that completed successfully prior to, or after the target time. It also includes the number of locations in other statuses, such as waiting for trigger, processing, retrying transport, or failed. Those additional statuses are only included if greater than zero. The following list includes examples for the email body.

Example body when schedule finishes prior to the target time:
  • Schedule "Standard GL Export" has finished ahead of target time: All 27 exports delivered within target time

  • Schedule "Standard GL Export" has finished ahead of target time: Out of 27 total exports: 25 exports delivered within target time, 1 retrying transport, 1 failed

Example body when schedule reaches target time, but not all exports are completed:
  • Schedule "Standard GL Export" reached target time: Out of 27 total exports: 25 delivered within target time, 2 waiting for trigger

Example body of second status email when all exports completed:
  • Schedule "Standard GL Export" has finished: Out of 27 total exports: 21 delivered within target time, 2 delivered outside target time, 1 retrying transport, 3 failed

Example body of a real-time schedule:
  • Schedule "Standard GL Export" status: 22 delivered in the last 24 hours, 1 still running, 2 retrying transport, 2 failed

Sample Email

The following images show an example of the email along with the different sections within the document attached to the email.

A screenshot of the an example email sent. Includes subject line orglevel retest: 27 of 27 successful for (9/26/22). Body of email reads: Report as of 9/28/22 8:44 pm. Schedule “orglevel retest” has finished ahead of target time: All 27 exports delivered within target time

Screenshot of the Self Service Export Status tables from the PDF file attached to the email. Lists: status as of, schedule name, target time, occurrence type. Also shows the Schedule Summary table that is color-coded and lists: delivered (within target time) in green, delivered (outside of target time) in orange, queued for transport in orange, in progress in orange, waiting for trigger in orange, retrying transport in orange, and failed in red.

Screenshot of the Schedule Details from the PDF file attached to the email. Table columns list: location name, export status (in orange), failure detail, exported business date, transport time, latest file size (KB), avg. file size last 7 runs (KB), export run start time, export run end time, last successful execution time, last successful execution business date, and processing duration (mi:ss).

Screenshot of the Location Details from the PDF file attached to the email. Table columns list: location name, last completed business date, last business date change time, last move history time, last aggregated business date, last aggregation completed time, all transaction posted business date, and all transaction posted time.