Visibility of Gross Sales and Tips

If you are using a Simphony point of sale (POS), you must enable Employee Shift Tracking using the increment shift on clock in option to can see Gross Sales or Gross Sales before Discount and Tips in the Time Card Detail report.

See “Configuring Employee Shifts” in the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide for your Simphony version for more information. Configure Simphony options as follows:
  • Select:
    • #49 - Enable Shift Tracking

    • #57 - Increment Employee Shift when Clocking In

  • Deselect:

    • #56 - ** Increment Employee Shift when Clocking Out

    • #58 - Increment Employee Shift when Changing Job

    • #59 - Increment Employee Shift when Changing Revenue Center

    • #60 - Prompt to Increment Employee Shift after Shift Report

    • #61 - Prompt before incrementing Employee Shift


The following POS client functions, which are configured using Page Design, are not compatible with this feature:
  • Increment Cashier Shift for Another Employee

  • Increment Cashier Shift

  • Increment Employee Shift

  • Increment Employee Shift for Another Employee